Derecho Comercial, Derecho Comercial SoporteCatalogCiencias socialesDerechaGeneral, DiccionariosLey Civil, Ley de Procedimiento CivilDerecho públicoDerecho Penal, Derecho Procesal Penal, CriminologíaDerecho Comercial, Derecho ComercialImpuestosDerecho laboral, derecho socialDerecho internacionalOtro14.781 Ebooks en esta categoría Michael Yardney: Michael Yardney»s Guide to Investing Successfully Are you satisfied with your financial situation? Most people are not. Money is central to our liveswe make finacial decisions every day. Would you like to be able to make those choices with confidenc … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.62 Alan Waring: Corporate Risk and Governance Corporate Risk and Governance addresses corporate risk management and governance requirements affecting large organizations in all industry sectors and countries. The book strongly advocates implemen … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.32 Max Gunther: Wall Street and Witchcraft Or, how to beat the Street with a broomstick… Since that first tulip was traded on that madly speculative exchange in 17th-century Amsterdam, some very special individuals – plungers not in the Mer … EPUB Adobe DRM €2.30 Shaun Aghili: Fraud Auditing Using CAATT This book discusses various common occupational and organizational fraud schemes, based on the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) fraud tree and assist fraud examiners and auditors in co … EPUB Adobe DRM €55.42 Herman Bril & Georg Kell: Sustainable Investing This book tells the story of how the convergence between corporate sustainability and sustainable investing is now becoming a major force driving systemic market changes. The idea and practice of cor … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.55 Tom Maguire: Irish Capital Gains Tax 2019 EPUB Adobe DRM €196.82 Malcolm Dowden: Practitioner»s Guide to the Land Registration Act 2002 Key provisions of the Land Registration Act 2002 provide the legal framework for electronic conveyancing. This book will explain the legislative framework and the current proposals – including the ke … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.70 Brian Perry: From Piggybank to Portfolio EPUB Adobe DRM €5.91 John Toye: Taxation and Economic Development First published in 1978. The tax system is one of the instruments said to be available to translate development policy objectives into practice. The wide-ranging papers collected together in this vol … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.26 Scott Fawcett: Designing Flexible Cash Flows Whether calculating a net present value, assessing an internal rate of return, or considering the impact of debt on a transaction when analysing investments in property it is very hard to get away fr … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.42 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×