Política SoporteCatalogCiencias socialesGeneralSociologíaPolíticaMedios / ComunicaciónEtnologíaDerechaEconomíaGeneral, DiccionariosCiencia políticaTeorías políticas, historia de las ideasSistema políticoCiencia política, administración políticaPolítica, economíaCiencia política comparadaTeoría del desarrollo, política de desarrolloOtro114.747 Ebooks en esta categoría Ann Bruce & Donald Bruce: Engineering Genesis Few issues have aroused so much public attention and controversy as recent developments in biotechnology. How can we make sound judgements of the cloning of Dolly the sheep, genetically altered foods … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.67 Xufeng Zhu: The Politics of Expertise in China Since the reform and opening-up policy was implemented in China, consultations have been increasingly carried out during the policy-making process. This often involves experts, many of whom are based … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.29 Jack K Horner: Natural Radioactivity In Water Supplies There is little disagreement that the potential effects of water contamination on human health and the environment should not be ignored, even though the exact nature of those effects is not yet full … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.97 John Diamond & Joyce Liddle: European Public Leadership in Crisis? Despite different legal and constitutional arrangements, in many states across Europe, public leaders are forging new collaborative relationships with non-state and civic actors to seek innovative wa … EPUB Adobe DRM €125.67 Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States: China»s Economic Future This is the latest Joint Economic Committee volume on the Chinese economy. With the current state of US-China relations and Hong Kong»s accession in 1997, the study should provide policy makers in t … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.10 John Mueller: Peace, Prosperity, And Politics This book deals with a variety of issues of history, of national security, and of political economy, and focuses on the need for a dynamic perspective. It emphasizes the development of ideas as the m … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.86 David Shearer: Private Armies and Military Intervention The nature and role of paid foreign forces have altered considerably in the late twentieth century. ‘Military companies’ – private firms providing active military assistance, in some cases involving … EPUB Adobe DRM €29.51 Amarnath Mohanty: Justice, Democracy and State in India This book explores how the liberal conception of justice with all its ideological underpinnings is reflected in the framing and working of the Constitution of India, in the adoption of broader socio- … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.61 Harsh V. Pant: Indian Foreign Policy in a Unipolar World India»s foreign policy, out of the structural confines of the Cold War strategic framework, has become more expansive in defining its priorities over the last few years. With the rise of its economi … EPUB Adobe DRM €29.52 Lucia Najslova: Turkey and the European Union Turkey»s EU accession talks, which began in 2005, were intended to strengthen Turkey»s democracy and the EU»s ability to embrace difference. Instead, we have seen repeated questioning of Turkey»s … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.74 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×