Sociología política SoporteCatalogCiencias socialesSociologíaGeneral, DiccionariosTeorías sociológicasInvestigación socialSociología del trabajo, sociología económicaSociología urbanaInvestigación de la mujerInvestigación de la estructura socialSociología políticaOtro2.743 Ebooks en esta categoría Mauro F. Guillén: Rude Awakening In the wake of World War II, a number of institutions designed to promote a liberal global economic and geopolitical order were established—the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on T … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €30.99 Michael Edwards: Civil Society Now in its fourth edition, Civil Society has become a major work of reference for those who seek to understand the role of voluntary citizen action in a troubled world. Recent economic and political … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €16.99 John C. Scott: Lobbying and Society Lobbying and political interest groups occupy an ambivalent place in advanced democracies. Lobbying is viewed with suspicion, but is also a critical avenue for voices in policy debates. This insightf … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €16.99 John Fonte: Sovereignty or Submission The Twenty-First Century is witnessing an epic struggle between the forces of global governance and American constitutional democracy. Transnational progressives and pragmatists in the UN, EU, post-m … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €25.99 Fernando Calderón & Manuel Castells: The New Latin America Latin America has experienced a profound transformation in the first two decades of the 21st century: it has been fully incorporated into the global economy, while excluding regions and populations d … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €19.99 Manuel Castells: Rupture The majority of citizens in the world today do not trust their political representatives, the mainstream political parties, the established political institutions or their governments. This widesprea … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €13.99 Michael Drake: Political Sociology for a Globalizing World This accessible book addresses one of the twenty-first century’s most important issues: the increasing lack of connection between political institutions and the social reality of our everyday lives. … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €18.99 Shannon Meehan & Roger Thompson: Beyond Duty Under the blazing Iraqi sun in the summer of 2007, Shannon Meehan, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, ordered a strike that would take the lives of innocent Iraqi civilians. He thought he was doing the r … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €16.99 Ricardo Cortés: A Secret History of Coffee, Coca & Cola From the illustrator of Go the F*** to Sleep comes a history of coffee, Coca-Cola, caffeine, cocaine, secret formulas, special flavors, special favors, Harry J. Anslinger, and Prohibition … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €17.99 Jeffrey C. Goldfarb: Reinventing Political Culture The way people think and act politically is not set in stone. People can and do change the fundamental cultural contours of their political situation. Their political culture does not only restrict i … EPUB Inglés Adobe DRM €16.99 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×