Sociología urbana SoporteCatalogCiencias socialesSociologíaGeneral, DiccionariosTeorías sociológicasInvestigación socialSociología del trabajo, sociología económicaSociología urbanaInvestigación de la mujerInvestigación de la estructura socialSociología políticaOtro1.104 Ebooks en esta categoría Celine Rozenblat & Denise Pumain: International and Transnational Perspectives on Urban Systems This book reviews the recent evolutions of cities in the world according to entirely revised theoretical fundamentals of urban systems. It relies on a vision of cities sharing common dynamic features … PDF Inglés €160.49 Tasoulla Hadjiyanni: The Right to Home This book explores how the design characteristics of homes can support or suppress individuals’ attempts to create meaning in their lives, which in turn, impacts well-being and delineates the product … PDF Inglés €96.29 Daria Casciani: The Human and Social Dimension of Urban Lightscapes This book explores new criteria and characteristics for integrating human psychology in the design of modern urban lighting. It identifies a new area of lighting design research and practice that foc … PDF Inglés €64.19 Ilan Wiesel: Power, Glamour and Angst Power, Glamour and Angst is about the social and cultural life of three Australian neighbourhoods – Toorak (Melbourne), Mosman (Sydney) and Cottesloe (Perth) – which are home to some of the nation’s … PDF Inglés €96.29 Elena Pede: Planning for Resilience Given the increasing uncertainty due to catastrophic climate events, terrorist attacks, and economic crises, this book addresses planning for resilience by focusing on sharing knowledge among policy- … PDF Inglés €53.49 Neil Mair & Quazi Mahtab Zaman: Berlin: A City Awaits Political meaning in architecture has been a subject of interest to many critics and writers. The most notable of these include Charles T. Goodsell and Kenneth Frampton. In Goodsell’s (1988) statemen … PDF Inglés €96.29 Wu Deng & Ali Cheshmehzangi: Eco-development in China This book explores China’s eco-development strategies and practices from a multi-scalar perspective, discussing the importance of interplay between multi spatial levels of the built environment, as w … PDF Inglés €96.29 Amrita G. Daniere & Matthias Garschagen: Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia This volume explores how climate change impacts interact with poverty and vulnerability to increase the risk for urban residents in Southeast Asia. It combines knowledge from both academic literature … PDF Inglés €171.19 Jonathan Rutherford: Redeploying Urban Infrastructure This book explores urban futures in the making, as seen through the lens of urban infrastructure. The book describes how socio-technical arrangements of energy and water provision are being recast in … PDF Inglés €90.94 Zaheer Allam: Theology and Urban Sustainability Even though theology does provide interesting and important contributions to ethics that laid the foundation of our modern societies, this book looks at exploring how theology has impacted on urban m … PDF Inglés €53.49 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×