An accessible and self-contained introduction to statistical
models-now in a modernized new edition
Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models, Second Edition
provides an up-to-date treatment of the essential techniques for
developing and applying a wide variety of statistical models. The
book presents thorough and unified coverage of the theory behind
generalized, linear, and mixed models and highlights their
similarities and differences in various construction, application,
An accessible and self-contained introduction to statistical
models-now in a modernized new edition
Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models, Second Edition
provides an up-to-date treatment of the essential techniques for
developing and applying a wide variety of statistical models. The
book presents thorough and unified coverage of the theory behind
generalized, linear, and mixed models and highlights their
similarities and differences in various construction, application,
and computational aspects.
A clear introduction to the basic ideas of fixed effects models,
random effects models, and mixed models is maintained throughout,
and each chapter illustrates how these models are applicable in a
wide array of contexts. In addition, a discussion of general
methods for the analysis of such models is presented with an
emphasis on the method of maximum likelihood for the estimation of
parameters. The authors also provide comprehensive coverage of the
latest statistical models for correlated, non-normally distributed
data. Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest developments in the
field, the Second Edition features:
* A new chapter that covers omitted covariates, incorrect random
effects distribution, correlation of covariates and random effects,
and robust variance estimation
* A new chapter that treats shared random effects models, latent
class models, and properties of models
* A revised chapter on longitudinal data, which now includes a
discussion of generalized linear models, modern advances in
longitudinal data analysis, and the use between and within
covariate decompositions
* Expanded coverage of marginal versus conditional models
* Numerous new and updated examples
With its accessible style and wealth of illustrative exercises,
Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models, Second Edition is an
ideal book for courses on generalized linear and mixed models at
the upper-undergraduate and beginning-graduate levels. It also
serves as a valuable reference for applied statisticians,
industrial practitioners, and researchers.