Xinwei Han is a professor and director at the Department of Interventional Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China. He is also president of the International Federation of venous society of China and Chief scientist of the National 863 Project. Chen Wang is a professor and director at National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China. Chen Wang is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
6 Ebooks de Chen Wang
Chen Wang & Chunli Bai: Single Molecule Chemistry and Physics
Single-molecule studies constitute a distinguishable category of focused – search in nanoscience and nanotechnology. This book is dedicated to the – troduction of recent advances on single-molecule s …
Xinwei Han & Chen Wang: Airway Stenting in Interventional Radiology
This book aims to provide comprehensive pictures of airway stenting technology in interventional radiology to clinical practitioners. The highlight of this book is that design concept and structure o …
Xuedong Bai & Jing Tao: Progress in Nanoscale Characterization and Manipulation
This book focuses on charged-particle optics and microscopy, as well as their applications in the materials sciences. Presenting a range of cutting-edge theoretical and methodological advances in ele …
Chen Wang: 长江东流去(上卷)(Yangtze River Eastward, Chinese Edition)
这是《长江东流去》三部曲的上卷,仿佛是一幅徐徐展开的绚丽画卷的素描底稿,类似于《星球大战》(Star Wars)里的前传。 《三国演义》里织席贩履时的刘备、《水浒传》里逼上梁山前的林冲、《阿甘正传》里靠着支架行走的少年阿甘、《狂飙》里守着鱼摊谋生的高启强,…,都是一群被人忽略、被人嫌弃、被人霸凌、甚至被人置于死地的普通人,但也是最接地气、最能和我们产生共鸣的’卑微的开始’ (Humble B …