140+ gluten-free recipes for adding quinoa to every meal andsnack
Touted as ‘the gold of the Incas’, quinoa (pronouncedkeen-wah) has many health benefits. It is high in bothprotein and fiber, gluten-free, and has been known to help thosewith cardiovascular health problems, as well as people who sufferfrom migraine headaches. Research also shows that the nutritionalcomposition of quinoa is important in fighting breast cancer, especially in post-menopausal women. It is a great glutenalternative, and provides complete protein in vegetarian or vegandishes. Not only does it have all of these phenomenal healthqualities, quinoa is also delicious and extremely versatile!
Quinoa can be made into a breakfast porridge, stuffed into awrap for lunch, combined with vegetables for a hearty salad, rolledwith spices and breadcrumbs to make a delicious burger, and addedto an assortment of cakes and breads for an extra protein punch.Cooking with Quinoa for Dummies shows you how you can easilyincorporate quinoa into each and every one of your meals andsnacks.
* Offers over 140 gluten-free recipes for incorporatingquinoa into breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners, and desserts
* Explains the health benefits and disease-fighting power of thissuperfood
* Provides the 4-1-1 on how quinoa can help you lose thoseunwanted pounds
* Includes a 16 page color insert with beautiful photos ofgluten-free quinoa-packed meals
Cooking with Quinoa For Dummies shows you how to use thishot new superfood in all your favourite dishes!
Tabla de materias
Introduction 1
Part I: From the Ancient Andes to the Modern Kitchen: Quinoa Basics 7
Chapter 1: Keen on Quinoa: An Introduction to Your New Favorite Food 9
Chapter 2: Funny Name, Serious Super Food: Nutrition Facts about Quinoa 19
Chapter 3: Quinoa’s Versatile Place at Your Table 37
Chapter 4: Getting the Quinoa Kitchen in Gear 51
Chapter 5: Quinoa Cooking 101 65
Part II: Let’s Get It Started! Appetizers, Soups, and Salads 75
Chapter 6: Appetizing Quinoa Appetizers 77
Chapter 7: Seriously Good — and Good for You –Salads 93
Chapter 8: Souped Up Soups 115
Part III: Mouthwatering Main Courses 131
Chapter 9: Starting Your Day Off Right: Breakfast Dishes 133
Chapter 10: Breathtaking Brunches and Lunches 149
Chapter 11: Seafood Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water 163
Chapter 12: Delectable Poultry-Quinoa Combos 179
Chapter 13: Heartier and Healthier Meaty Masterpieces 197
Chapter 14: Recipes Vegans, Vegetarians, and Everyone Else Will Love 211
Chapter 15: Kid-Friendly Favorites 239
Part IV: Snacks, Desserts, and More 255
Chapter 16: Simple and Sensational Snacks 257
Chapter 17: Desserts and Savory Baked Goods 271
Chapter 18: Drinking Your Quinoa 285
Part V: The Part of TEns 293
Chapter 19: Use Quinoa, Not That: Ten Quick Quinoa Swaps 295
Chapter 20: Ten Reasons Quinoa Is a Nutrition Superstar 301
Chapter 21: Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Quinoa305
Appendix A: Shopping Sources for Gluten-Free Quinoa Cooking309
Appendix B: Metric Conversion Guide 319
Index 323
Sobre el autor
Cheryl Forberg’s work as the nutritionist for the NBCshow The Biggest Loser is viewed by millions. A James Beard Award-winning chef and New York Times bestselling author, Cheryl is the go-to source for healthy cooking, from soup to nuts– literally. She delivers expertise in all she does –whether as an inventive chef or a trusted nutrition advisor.