Autor: Chris Tilly

Michael Hanagan is Adjunct Professor of History at Vassar College.  He has taught at Vanderbilt University, Columbia University and the New School for Social Research.  His books include: The Logic of Solidarity: Artisans and Industrial Workers in Three French Towns (1980), Nascent Proletarians: Class Formation in Post-Revolutionary France, 18400-1880 (1989), Confrontation, Class Consciousness and the Labor  Process (1986), Proletarians and Protest: Studies in Class Formation (1986), Expanding Rights, Reconfiguring States (2000),   and Challenging Authority: The Historical Study of  Contentious Politics. (1999). Global Connections: Politics, Exchange, and Social Life: A World History, (forthcoming),  He  is currently completing (with Miriam Cohen) a manuscript on the rise of the welfare state in England, France, and the U.S., 1870-1950.   Chris Tilly is Professor of Urban Planning at UCLA and Director of the UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. His research focuses on the determinants of job quality, particularly in lower-level jobs, as well as social movements and urban and regional development.  His books include Half a Job: Bad and Good Part-Time-Jobs in a Changing Labor Market (1996), Work Under Capitalism (1998), Stories Employers Tell: Race, Skill, and Hiring in America (2001), Urban Inequality: Evidence from Four Cities (2001), and The Gloves-Off Economy: Labor Standards at the Bottom of America’s Labor Market (2008).  Tilly’s most recent work is comparative, building on field research on retail jobs in the United States and Mexico and collaboration with researchers in a number of European countries.

9 Ebooks de Chris Tilly

Michael Hanagan & Chris Tilly: Contention and Trust in Cities and States
The catalyst for this book is the fact that noted sociologist Charles Tilly, upon his death in 2008, left one completed chapter of an unfinished manuscript entitled “Cities, States, and Trust Network …
Chris Tilly & Chris Warhurst: Are Bad Jobs Inevitable?
An edited book in the Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Series that is associated with the annual International Labour Process Conference, it focuses on job quality: debates, developments, …
Chris Tilly: Work Under Capitalism
Work Under Capitalism synthesizes recent institutionalist and Marxist ideas about the organization of production, situating production within a social context. Starting with the transaction rather th …
Chris Tilly: Work Under Capitalism
Work Under Capitalism synthesizes recent institutionalist and Marxist ideas about the organization of production, situating production within a social context. Starting with the transaction rather th …
Tilly Chris Tilly: Half A Job
Over 20 million people are working part-time in the United States, more than six million of them involuntarily. Both Time and Fortune magazines have run recent cover stories about this constrained fa …
Paul Osterman: Creating Good Jobs
Experts discuss improving job quality in low-wage industries including retail, residential construction, hospitals and long-term healthcare, restaurants, manufacturing, and long-haul trucking.America …
Philip Moss & Chris Tilly: Stories Employers Tell
Is the United States justified in seeing itself as a meritocracy, where stark inequalities in pay and employment reflect differences in skills, education, and effort? Or does racial discrimination st …
Lawrence Bobo & Alice O’Connor: Urban Inequality
Despite today’s booming economy, secure work and upward mobility remain out of reach for many central-city residents. Urban Inequality presents an authoritative new look at the racial and economic di …
Francoise Carre & Chris Tilly: Where Bad Jobs Are Better
Retail is now the largest employer in the United States. For the most part, retail jobs are "bad jobs" characterized by low wages, unpredictable work schedules, and few opportunities for ad …