Ronen Palan is Professor of International Political Economy at the University of Birmingham. He is the author of The Offshore World: Sovereign Markets, Virtual Places, and Nomad Millionaires, also from Cornell. Richard Murphy is CEO of Tax Research, LLP, based in the UK. He is a frequent adviser to the media, NGOs, and politicians, and writes a blog at Christian Chavagneux, based in Paris, is deputy editor in chief of Alternatives Economiques and editor of L»Economie politique.
3 Ebooks de Christian Chavagneux
Ronen Palan & Richard Murphy: Tax Havens
From the Cayman Islands and the Isle of Man to the Principality of Liechtenstein and the state of Delaware, tax havens offer lower tax rates, less stringent regulations and enforcement, and promises …
Christian Chavagneux & Richard Murphy: Tax Havens
If you are looking to understand how tax havens and offshore financial centers work, how they are governed (or not!), and what kind of economic and political impacts they have, then this book is for …
Christian CHAVAGNEUX: Ghana, une révolution de bon sens
Rares sont les chefs d»État à avoir pu s»imposer quatre fois à la tête de leur pays. C»est pourtant ce qui est arrivé à Jerry John Rawlings, vainqueur des élections présidentielles ghanéennes du 7 …