This book presents a new fracturing technique that should be considered as a potential alternative, or a companion technique, to hydraulic fracturing of tight gas reservoirs and low permeability rock masses. As opposed to hydraulic fracturing which generates a few numbers of large cracks, electro-hydraulic fracturing induces diffuse micro-cracking and fragmentation of rocks. Laboratory tests demonstrate that increases of permeability by two orders of magnitude can be reached, with...
Tabla de materias
Preface vii
Introduction xi
Chapter 1 Experiments in a Representative Environment 1
1.1 Mechanical set-up 1
1.2 Pulsed arc electric generator 4
1.3 Material p...
Sobre el autor
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot is Professor of Civil Engineering at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. His research interests cover quasi-brittle materials, concrete m...