Comprehensive, advanced coverage of C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1
Whether you’re a C# guru or transitioning from C/C++, staying up
to date is critical to your success. Professional C# 5.0 and
.NET 4.5.1 is your go-to guide for navigating the programming
environment for the Windows platform. After a quick refresher of
the C# basics, the team of expert authors dives in to C# 5.0 and
updates for NET 4.5.1. Includes:
* Different behaviors for .NET 4.5.1 and the changes to Visual
Tabla de materias
Introduction xxiii
Part I: The C# Language
Chapter 1: .NET Architecture 3
Chapter 2: Core C# 23
Chapter 3: Objects and Types 65
Chapter 4: Inheritance 89
Sobre el autor
Christian Nagel is software architect with more than 20
years of development experience. He is a Microsoft Certified
Trainer, Professional Developer, and Microsoft ...