Kathryn Shaw has had an eventful and unusual life considering she is only 25 years old. She is feisty, wired and generous to a fault. After spending most of her childhood in a Care Home, she convinces herself that romance is not on the cards for her. Unable to sleep from a recurring nightmare of drowning, she takes nighttime work in a bistro, just off the King’s Road in London, which enables her to paint seascapes during the day. Sharing a house with other weird tenants reinforces her suspicions that they also prefer nocturnal activities.
Sobre el autor
Christina has a BA (Hons) Eng. Lit. Sheffield University and is an Associate Member of the Legal Institute. Sheffield Polytechnic. She has self-published four novels and two children’s books with Author House. She worked in Local Government as a Senior Legal Executive doing Conveyancing and other Land Law matters. Exchanging her imagination for logic helped pay the mortgage – and buy ballet shoes for her daughter. She now does what she loves the most and that is going with the flow.