Dr. Stefan Stieglitz is professor and head of the research group for Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. His work has been published in reputable journals including Journal of Management Information System (JMIS), Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), International Journal of Social Research Methodology, and Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive (MISQE). In his research, he investigates user behaviour and technology adaption of information systems in organisational contexts.
Dr. Christoph Lattemann is professor of Business Administration and Information Management at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. His research encompasses the two major global trends: Digital Transformation and Globalization. He is the founder and director of the Design Thinking Lab at Jacobs University – the D-Forge, and director of the Jacobs Research Center for the Studies of China and Globalization. He held Visiting Scholar positions at Harvard University, JFK School of Governance and Stanford University. He has published 7 books and more than 150 articles. He has taught courses in top international MBA programs and Universities. Formerly he held senior positions in project management in the financial industry at the German Stock Exchange and is still consulting governmental institutions and companies. Dr. Susanne Robra-Bissantz
is full professor of Business Information Systems Research at Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, since 2007. There she holds the chair of Information Management. Her research focusses on innovative and customer oriented E-Services, with special interest in collaboration mechanisms for social media, context sensitivity, service design and service-eco-systems. She has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and acquired multiple projects (more than 2 Mio Euro) from industry and public funding. Before that she did her habilitation and Ph.D. at University Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Dr. Ruediger Zarnekow holds the Chair for Information and Communication Management at Technische Universitaet Berlin. His research focuses on IT Management, Digital Business Models, Cloud Computing and IT Service Management. Previously, he worked at the Institute of Information Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, where he lead the competence center “Industrialization of Information Management”. Prof. Zarnekow has been working as a consultant in the area of IT management and digital business models for many years. As an author he has published various books and research articles.
Dr. Tobias Brockmann studied information systems at the University of Muenster and successfully finished his Ph D there. He published his research related to the field „Mobile Enterprise“ in academic Journals like the Management of Information Systems Quarterly Executive Journal or the Mobile Information System Journal. Moreover his work was published on international conferences e.g. the European Conference on Information Systems or the American Conference on Information Systems. Dr. Brockmann managed the Competence Center Connected Organization at the University of Duisburg-Essen for two years. Now he is co-founder and Head of Operations at innoscale AG.
8 Ebooks de Christoph Lattemann
Stefan Stieglitz & Christoph Lattemann: Gamification
This compendium introduces game theory and gamification to a number of different domains and describes their professional application in information systems. It explains how playful functions can be …
Katiuscia Vaccarini & Francesca Spigarelli: Cultural Distance in International Ventures
This book uses the concepts of both cultural and psychic distance to analyse managers’ perceptions in international business settings, with a specific focus on European and Chinese ventures in the gr …
Wenxian Zhang & Ilan Alon: China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Since the introduction of the One Belt, One Road initiative (OBOR), first proposed in late 2013, international scholars have begun to study this new policy and its implications in the global age. Whi …
Susanne Robra-Bissantz & Christoph Lattemann: Digital Customer Experience
Die Digital Customer Experience rückt zunehmend in den Fokus, wenn es darum geht, Kunden einen besonderen Nutzen und ein besonderes Erlebnis zu versprechen, sie zufrieden zu stellen und zu binden. Si …
Christoph Lattemann: Corporate Governance im globalisierten Informationszeitalter
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit Theorien, Umsetzungen und der aktuellen Entwicklung in der Corporate Governance in einer globalisierten Welt, die getrieben ist durch Informations- und Kommunikationstech …
Wenxian Zhang & Ilan Alon: Huawei Goes Global
Huawei Goes Global provides a much-needed, comprehensive, and scholarly examination of the business environment and the striving global operations of China’s technology giant. With theoretical resear …
Wenxian Zhang & Ilan Alon: Huawei Goes Global
Huawei Goes Global provides a much-needed, comprehensive, and scholarly examination of the business environment and the striving global operations of China’s technology giant. With theoretical r …
Christoph Lattemann & Susanne Robra-Bissantz: Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft
Die digitale Transformation fordert und befördert personennahe Dienstleistungen. Dienstleistungen, die Menschen in ihrem Leben unterstützen. Dieses Buch bietet wertvolle Anregungen dazu, wie personen …