Tabla de materias
Chapter 1. Clare Cunningham and Christopher J. Hall: Introduction
Part 1: Communities
Chapter 2. Cristine Gorski Severo and Sinfree B. Makoni: Can Southern Epistemological and Indigenous Ontological Orientations to Applied Linguistics Challenge its Ethnocentrism?
Chapter 3. Luz A. Murillo: Late Capitalism and New Challenges: Indigenous Communities Taking Risks in Defense of Vulnerable Languages and Territories in Guatemala and Colombia
Chapter 4. John Bosco Conama: The Bumpy Journey Towards the Irish Sign Language Act: Critical Considerations and Personal Reflections of a Deaf Activist–Scholar
Chapter 5. Helen Sauntson: ‘Befriending’ Risks, Vulnerabilities and Challenges: Researching Sexuality and Language in Educational Sites
Part 2: Policy
Chapter 6. Johanna Ennser-Kananen and Taina Saarinen: Challenging Constitutional Bilingualism with ‘What if…’: Counterfactual Histories and At-risk Minorities in Finland
Chapter 7. Ursula Lanvers: UK Language Policy Quo Vadis? Language Learning in the UK Post Brexit
Chapter 8. Kristin Snoddon and Erin Wilkinson: Vulnerabilities, Challenges, and Risks in Sign Language Recognition in Canada
Part 3: Research
Chapter 9. Kate Barber: From the Outside Looking in: The Risks and Challenges of Analysing Extremist Discourses on Far-right and Manosphere Websites
Chapter 10. Sal Consoli: Critical Incidents in a Teacher–Researcher and Student–Participant Relationship: What Risks Can We Take?
Chapter 11. Annika Norlund Shaswar: Taking Risks in Literacy Research: Using an Interpreter in Multilingual Research Interviews
Part 4: Education
Chapter 12. Liana Konstantinidou and Ursula Stadler: A Challenge for Applied Linguistics: Developing a Novel Curriculum in the Field of Language and Integration
Chapter 13. Michael Hepworth: Teaching Controversial Issues in the Language Education of Adult Migrants to the UK: A Risk Worth Taking
Chapter 14. Sham Haidar: Access to English in Pakistan: Differences in Instruction as a Risk to Social Integration
Chapter 15: Christopher J. Hall and Clare Cunningham: Afterword