A growing number of parents are considering part time or ‘flexischooling’ as an option that might benefit their child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but face concerns such as: Is it possible? Has anyone tried it? How can it be set up? Above all, does it work? This book answers all these questions, and many more.
Covering both the home and school angle, it explores ways to evaluate whether the option is right for your child, organising the arrangement effectively with the school and ensuring that curriculum and examination goals are met, and also includes case examples of successful part time schooling at both primary and secondary level.
This is the first resource of its kind to bring together all of the information needed for both parents and schools to consider the merits and disadvantages of this approach, and to evaluate it as an option for individual children.
Tabla de materias
Introduction: Why would we want to do that? Part I. A Consideration of Flexischooling. 1. Why does Flexischooling Work so well for the Pupil with ASD? 2. Setting it up. 3. Making it Work. 4. Facing the Critics. Part II. Flexischooling in Action. Some Final Questions. Into the Future. Further Reading and Contact Information.
Sobre el autor
Clare Lawrence is a teacher, autism worker and mother of two children, one of whom is on the autism spectrum. She works closely with schools across the UK, exploring practical solutions for how to make education more accessible for children with AS. Clare lives in Cambridgeshire, UK.