Claudia Wiesner is Docent in Political Science and Senior Researcher at Jyväskylä University, Finland, as well as Senior Guest Researcher at TU Darmstadt. Previously she was Acting Professor for Comparative Politics at Philipps-University, Marburg and Ruhr University, Bochum, and Marie Curie Research Fellow at Jyväskylä University.
Taru Haapala is Research Fellow in Political Science at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and a Junior Visiting Fellow at the Queen Mary Centre for the Study of the History of Political Thought, University of London.
Kari Palonen has been Professor of Political Science at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, since 1983, from 2015 with an emeritus contract. He has been Academy of Finland Professor for two five-year periods, and Director of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Political Thought and Conceptual Change.
16 Ebooks de Claudia Wiesner
Claudia Wiesner & Taru Haapala: Debates, Rhetoric and Political Action
This book explicates how debates and documents can be understood, interpreted and analysed as political action. It offers the reader both a theoretical introduction and practical guidance. The author …
Claudia Wiesner: Inventing the EU as a Democratic Polity
The EU as a democratic polity has been invented: it is a product of creative and innovative actors and thinkers that conceptualized and by and by helped to realise it, from the beginning up to the pr …
Claudia Wiesner: Multi-Level-Governance und lokale Demokratie
Dieses Buch untersucht theoretisch und empirisch die Zusammenhänge zwischen Multi-Level-Governance und lokaler Demokratie. Es enthält umfassende konzeptionelle und theoretische Überlegungen. Auf dies …
Peter M. Hermanns: EBM 2018 Kommentar
Gute Leistung muss gut bezahlt werden Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab mit Punktangaben, Eurobeträgen mit erhöhtem neuen Orientierungswert ab 1.1.2018, Hinweisen auf entsprechende Leistungen in der GO …
Peter M. Hermanns: EBM 2019 Kommentar
Gute Leistung muss gut bezahlt werden Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab mit Punktangaben, Eurobeträgen mit erhöhtem neuen Orientierungswert ab 1.1.2019, Hinweisen auf entsprechende Leistungen in der GO …
Claudia Wiesner & Evgeny Roshchin: In Debate with Kari Palonen
In Debate with Kari Palonen versammelt 48 Essays von Wissenschaftlern und Wissenschaftlerinnen verschiedenster Disziplinen. Sie analysieren Palonens zentrale Argumente und Konzepte und erörtern ihre …
Meike Schmidt-Gleim & Claudia Wiesner: The Meanings of Europe
What is Europe? What are the contents of the concept of Europe? And what defines European identity? Instead of only asking these classical questions, this volume also explores who asks these que …
Meike Schmidt-Gleim & Claudia Wiesner: The Meanings of Europe
What is Europe? What are the contents of the concept of Europe? And what defines European identity? Instead of only asking these classical questions, this volume also explores who asks these que …
Anna Bjork & Hanna-Mari Kivisto: Shaping Citizenship
Citizenship is a core concept for the social sciences, and citizenship is also frequently interpreted, challenged and contested in different political arenas. Shaping Citizenship explores how the con …
Anna Bjork & Hanna-Mari Kivisto: Shaping Citizenship
Citizenship is a core concept for the social sciences, and citizenship is also frequently interpreted, challenged and contested in different political arenas. Shaping Citizenship explores how the con …
Claudia Wiesner & Philipp Harfst: Legitimität und Legitimation
Dieses Buch behandelt Legitimität und Legitimation von und in politischen Systemen als ein Kernthema der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft. Damit greift es eine hochaktuelle Debatte auf. Neben der L …
Corrado Macchiarelli & Mara Monti: The European Central Bank between the Financial Crisis and Populisms
In light of the handover from the European Central Bank President Mario Draghi to Christine Lagarde in November 2019, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the events which unfolded since the e …
Lee Ward: Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents
Cosmopolitanism is one of the most venerable intellectual traditions in the history of political philosophy. From the ancient Greek Diogenes’ claim to be ‘;a citizen of the world’ through to Kant’s E …
Claudia Wiesner: Rethinking Politicisation in Politics, Sociology and International Relations
This book decisively advances the academic debate on politicisation beyond the state of the art. It is the first book to theorise and conceptualise ‘politicisation’ across the epistemic communities o …
Meike Schmidt-Gleim & Ruzha Smilova: Democratic Crisis Revisited
Der Band beleuchtet die vielfältigen Dimensionen der gegenwärtigen Krise der Demokratie in Europa auf empirische und konzeptuelle Weise. Er verbindet kontextspezifische Fallstudien von Beispielen aus …