Biography of Manuel DelPietro Manuel Delprieto, born in Jerez de la Frontera on the 9th of February, 1982. During his teenage years, a literature teacher came across his talents for narration and storytelling and encouraged him to focus on writing. With an imaginative head and a dream in his heart, he focused on literature, learning the rules that govern the novel. It was not until 2017 that he made his published debut, writing several manuals for aspiring writers, as well as his short novel «Ambiciona». Manuel Delprieto together with the organization «Proyecto por una sonrisa», championed a project to collect books by independent authors, for a community library run by volunteers for patients of the haematology and oncology department at the Jerez Hospital in Jerez de la Frontera in South-western Andalusia. His dreams consisted of someday seeing his work appear on the silver screen and growing old with his family. He has participated in trilogies, novels written by two authors and also as a writer of prologues for several novels by other writers. In his eagerness to write, he always seeks to surprise his readers with original stories that carry an underlying message. At the moment, he is still looking out for those stories that will linger in the memory of readers long after they have read them. He has written the following books and texts: «Tu novela a juicio, Lidera la plataforma con tu ebook , 119 keys to a bestseller», «Potencia al máximo tu novela», «Your novel under control», «Ambiciona 1 el precio de la ira», «Mi lienzo es tu muerte» (together with Claudio Hernández), «Ambiciona 2 El aliento de una promesa», Hilasterion «la isla de la purga», «Trilogía Antológica «relato: Fusión gemelar» (Editorial Algorfa)», «Gritos y pesadillas Antología benéfica «relato ¿dónde está María?» y «Escapando a mi destino». Así como los siguientes prólogos: «RRR y la decisión de Elsa (María G. Pineda)», «Rojstov (Edu
1 Ebooks de Claudio Hernandez and Manuel DelPrieto
Claudio Hernandez and Manuel DelPrieto: Portrait of Death
An artist whose canvas signifies death. A Deputy Inspector desperate for a child who’s caught in the middle. An Inspector who prefers to work alone. These are the essential elements of ‘A Portrait of …