The premise behind The Angel Babies .X. DOME is that I wanted to ask myself, what does heaven beyond the pearly gates really actually look like? And from then on, I wanted to explore this theme or theory from there, which was for me was to take on thus minds imaginary subjective journey through and beyond the steps of the pearly gates and into the realms of heaven itself, if only for us to examine and to explore this unfamiliar territory that is the kingdom of heaven that I dare say is often presented to us through the narrative of scholars, who have always portrayed or even suggested to us as to what view or should insightful understanding should be held and taught upon such a topical subject, whether it be from the view point of Armageddon or the apocalypse or even the book of Revelations.
As it has always somehow religiously been depicted from a biblical and theological perspective, that once we arrive upon that fateful day at the gates of heaven, that somehow we are all found to be awaiting some profound trial or judgment to take place if only for some sentence to be passed upon us, based upon our previous deeds or actions on how we have lived our lives accordingly for such judgments to be made, for us to be deemed to live among the damned or the redeemed, or persecuted or liberated for our free will of expression. And yet, much before we have gained any reasonable access as to whether we should be permitted to go any further into these realms of heaven or not, then is it not quite surreal to suggest that somehow we are to stand in line, quietly queuing to find out if we are to be turned around and somehow denied any entry at all, or if we should somehow be sent to the regions of hell for a punishment, for our previous deeds or sins, or even sentenced to the abyss for our misguided choices in life.
For is it not in our favor to see and to know that this very idea and notion in our own principal thinking and in engaging in our own understanding and analysis that if we attempt to find the truth behind the fiction, if only for us to seek and to know and to learn the answers to such profound questions as these, that through this prism of our own intuitive and deductive reasoning that once we have been permitted or have arrived and gotten beyond these pearly gates and entered therein into paradise, or upon becoming face-to-face with God and becoming reunited with our loved ones, that if we are to meet with our fate and judgment accordingly, then is it not a befitting challenge to consider all of these things, in actually asking ourselves, what does heaven actually look like? Although even in this truth and reality, none of us can really say for sure or certain of what form or shape heaven may truly take, as we cannot be so sure or certain of what it is that exactly take place, if anything at all, at such a lifetime-defining moment, but it would be nice to know more about it if that was the case, dont you think?
Sobre el autor
Clive Alando Taylor was born on the 14th February 1969 in South London and is the youngest son of Six siblings Keith, Nadine, Leroy, Danny ad Neville, born to Joel Ezekiel Taylor & Isolyn Icilda Taylor. As the youngest child of five, Clive has always maintained a positive outlook on life through his faith, studies and interests In World Religions, Humanity and Philosophy, Music, Dance and Poetry, although Clive’s upbringing was initially nurtured in the Pentecostal Church Clive has also spent several years of his life studying Islam, Buddhism and Taoism and other minor based faiths of religious and philosophical teachings as it has been through this calling and aspiration for life that has allowed him to challenge such ideas as Race, Colour, and Gender.
As a writer and a poet and as an artist and performer I have always felt the need to convey my thoughts through the artistic expression of words and music, and even through the unspoken medium of movement and motion, as much as it is upto the creativity of a writer, which is for me to capture or to record these moments as they unfold and take shape revealing their naked truths in the purest of forms of their suggestions and clues towards a revelation unknowingly becoming attuned and responsive to the reciprocal mind. As I have come to learn and to engage in the process that the language and the words, also each independently have their own hidden inner depth when spoken, or as when heard or as when read, as each processed word proceeds one after the other, building a foundation, creating layer upon layer until their volume is felt.
As writing is also very much an internal journey towards understanding the inner self and examination of the reflective world that surrounds us all, insomuch that we are constantly redefining and readjusting to all that is apparently so and open to see, but as to whether we can learn to accept that through interpretation of all that is extended before us, is also to glance in a mirror and to attempt to recognize if all is as it appears to be. As I also find that being a writer also has its’ holistic and therapeutic benefits in exploring and exercising one’s ability to understand and to comprehend the subject matter that is at hand, and found to be arising out of the consciousness, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle in need of being pieced and placed together in order to create and make sense out of theoretical chaos, as such is the genie that is out of the bottle for me in becoming a writer.
As a writer and musician of music and literature, I have always explored the ideas and themes relating to the Human condition and Human experience, in both, Love, Life and Spirituality, as an coming from a faith based artistic background, as I have always maintained a very pious and humble background but has always challenged himself to seek beyond the veil of Life and into Life’s mysteries, as it is through the perceptibility of this matter that has always thrived through my imagination and literary writings manage to capture at the very core of this exploratory medium, the very essence of both a poetic and compassionate nature within my work that I have spent much of my time thinking of suitable names for things which had often crept and arisen out of the subconscious matter of his psyche, or at least animate names or titles for of Songs and Poems and even Short or Extended Narratives, that had led his enduring imaginative experience which at least summoned, or brought forth and yielded and lent itself to the light of my life.
Even as a poet and artist and performer, I have always felt the need to convey my thoughts through the artistic expression of words and music and even through the unspoken medium of movement and motion, as much as it is up to the creativity of a writer which is for me to capture or to record these moments as they unfold and take shape revealing their naked truths in the purest of forms of their suggestions and clues towards a revelation unknowingly becoming attuned and responsive to the reciprocal mind, as I have come to learn an