This book draws together writers from various backgrounds to discuss issues that affect those working in rural social work settings, on themes ranging from current issues that are common to rural localities (including those arising from the Covid-19 pandemic) to future challenges. Common themes that run through all the chapters and hold them together include community and place, stigma and alienation, inequality and social justice, and the environment. Several of the chapters include a strong user voice and challenge cis-heteronormative and other stereotypes of rural life by celebrating diversity in these communities.
The book will therefore be invaluable to rural practitioners, students studying to work in rural settings and their educators, as well as rural sociologists and policy makers.
Tabla de materias
1. Introduction.- PART 1 – STIGMA.-2. Social Work at Home – Dual Relationships and Challenges for the Worker,
Gillian Ritch.- 3. Being an Outsider in the Place Where I Belong,
John Sturgeon.- 4. Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders in Rural Scotland,
Heather Still.- 5. Rural Social Work with Romani, Traveller, Show and Boater People,
Allison Hulmes.- PART 2 – ENVIRONMENT.- 6. Technology and Remoteness,
Jane Pye.- 7. Re-imagining Rural Social Work During the Time of Covid-19 and a Climate Crisis,
Lena Dominelli.- 8. Farming, Nature and Our Relationships With The Land,
Tina Laurie.- 9. Protecting children and young people: Creating a ‘level playing field’ for rural & isolated communities, Dr Sarah Nelson.- PART 3 – COMMUNITY.- 10. Rural Social Work and a Life Worth Living All My Days,
Becky Squires.- 11.
Trojan Mouse – Using Rural Space in Social Work, Karin Eyben and Carla Mc Laughlin.- 12. Patriarchy, Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence in Rural Communities, Colin Turbett.- 13. Conclusion: Where Now for Rural Social Work.
Sobre el autor
Colin Turbett was a front line social worker and manager in the West of Scotland for 40 years. He has authored various papers and a book on rural social work, as well as other published work on critical/radical social work themes.
Jane Pye is a Lecturer in Social Work at Lancaster University, UK.