Active Shooter tragic situations cannot be predicted, so preparation is critical. Waiting ensures one thing, you won’t be prepared should an incident occur. That is why James Cameron has developed a unique program called P.A.C.E. – Prepare, Act, Care, Evacuate.
James’s approach is to decrease vulnerability and increase survivability, with his comprehensive P.AC.E. program.
P.A.C.E. was developed based on James’s personal experiences and lessons learned from being involved as a first responders to multiple real-world mass casualty events. From neutralizing threats to treating the wounded, his book gives the perspective which cannot be replicated by those without the same experiences.
While others without any real experience give seminars on what “the book answer” says to be correct, he explains what actually works, based on his first-hand experiences.
Tabla de materias
About the Author 1
Preface 3
How to use this book 7
Lessons Learned 9
Overall Lessons Learned 12
Lessons Learned by First Responders 13
Lessons Learned from those Organizations and Individuals Involved in an Incident 17
Lessons Learned Regarding the Attackers 21
Prepare 31
Active Assailant 31
Workplace Violence per most recent OSHA definition: 32
Types of Workplace Violence 32
Situational Awareness 34
See Something, Say Something 40
Pathway to Violence 42
Reporting 46
Security Procedures 47
Access Control Measures 50
Training 53
Critical Items 56
Mindset: Recognize that there is the potential of workplace violence, Active Assailants, or other emergency situations. 58
Act 59
Motivation 59
OODA Loop 60
Run 62
Hide 63
Fight 66
Use of Fire Arms 67
Care 71
Primary Principles of Immediate Response 73
The Basics 75
Types of Aid 77
Causes of Preventable Death Today 78
Hemorrhage Control 79
Direct Pressure 81
Trauma Kits 82
Alternatives to Professional Trauma Kits 84
Tourniquets 86
Wound Packing 93
CPR 95
Hemostatic Dressings 95
Force Multiplier 98
Evacuate 99
Information for 911 101
When Law Enforcement Arrives 101
Glossery 105
References 123
Sobre el autor
James Cameron is a board-certified ASIS International Protection Professional (CPP), and has over 15 years’ international experience in both the security industry and the corporate sector. Mr. Cameron is a United States combat veteran with multiple deployments and having earned a Bronze Star for his actions as a sniper during combat operations. Mr. Cameron has also earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Systems from De Vry University.
Mr. Cameron worked with the U.S. State Department as a member of the Diplomatic Security Services from 2005-2011. There he served in multiple positions, including that of a security detail leader for the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan. He ultimately finished as an instructor and subject matter expert for the High Threat, Dignitary Protection Division of the U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security Services. His experiences as a civilian span the globe and range from providing protection under hostile fire in non-permissive, high threat environments to providing first responder medical care during multiple mass casualty situations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Chad. Additionally, Mr. Cameron has traveled around the world teaching non-governmental organizations (NGOs) techniques on how to avoid harm to personnel assigned to permissive, semi-permissive and non-permissive environments.
He has assisted with writing and revising multiple ASIS International, ANSI (American National Standards Institute)-approved recommendations for guidelines and standards, the most recent of which is Workplace Violence and Active Assailant – Prevention, Intervention, and Response Standard. He has been a member of the ASIS Executive Protection Council and is the Certifications Chair for ASIS International, Las Vegas.
Mr. Cameron established Security Concepts Group in 2009 to raise the standards of protection, including implementing multiple value-added benefits that others now try to imitate. Under his leadership, experience, and vision, Security Concepts Group has grown from initially providing only close personal protection, to now offering a wide range of security solution services that include organizational risk management, and his unique preparedness techniques to address active assailant and workplace violence.