An established favourite with veterinary and agricultural students and a valuable addition to the library of any veterinarian or sheep farmer, this handbook covers the basics of sheep medicine and production. Geared at being an easily accessed reference, it clearly conveys fundamental information on the care and treatment of sheep worldwide.
This fully updated and revised eighth edition:
– continues to cover all important aspects of sheep production and health, including reproduction, vaccination, pregnancy and newborns, lameness, internal and external parasites and flock health promotion;
– reviews general developments and advancements in sheep veterinary medicine, as well as disease prevalence by geographical spread and in relation to changing climate;
– considers topics of increasing importance such as vaccine availability and drug resistance.
An emphasis on diagnosis and treatment combined with short, easily-digestible chapters and step-by-step diagrams makes this book an essential practical guide to recognizing, treating and preventing disease.
Sobre el autor
Agnes Winter grew up on a small family farm in the Yorkshire Dales. After graduating from Liverpool Veterinary School she worked in mixed practice in north Wales where her interest in farm animal work, in particular with sheep, developed further. With her Welsh farmer husband she kept a flock of sheep, including a small flock of pedigree Wensleydales with which she had considerable success in the show ring. After some years she returned to Liverpool Veterinary School to undertake a Ph D supervised by her former co-author Michael Clarkson. After completion of this she became a lecturer, and later senior lecturer, in sheep health. For the last four years of her academic career she was head of the Clinical Department and, on retiring, was made an Honorary Professor in the University. She remains an active member of the UK Sheep Veterinary Society, of which she was President from 1987-88. She has written five other books on various aspects of sheep health and disease and has received several prestigious awards for her contributions to the sheep industry.