Most everyone has something they are passionate about. But without the ability to actually effect change, things just stay the same. To truly inspire change, we must be able to explain the problem, inspire people to join us, and create a vision for the new reality that motivates others to take the actions that lead to lasting transformation. Inspiring change requires charisma—the ability to communicate a clear, visionary, and inspirational message that captivates and motivates an audience.
Charisma, a social skill, like listening, can be learned. Once learned, it becomes the difference between being heard or ignored. Whether you’re the head of a company, a Girl Scout troop leader, or a freelance artist all alone in your studio, charisma can help you get what you want.
Sobre el autor
TRACI SHOBLOM began her writing career in 2000. In that time, she’s worked with leaders and celebrities in almost every field, including Ken Blanchard, Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Marshall Goldsmith, Dr. Mark Hyman, David Bach, T. Harv Eker, Nightingale Conant, Author House, and Herbalife, among others. She’s also written five Nightingale Conant audio programs, including the best selling The Top 2%.