Autor: Daniel Knapp

SÚverine Le Gac got her Ph.D. at the University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille (France) in 2004 on the topic of microfluidic systems for mass spectrometry analysis and proteomics applications. Since 2005 she has been working in BIOS, The Lab-on-a-Chip group led by Pr. Van den Berg at the University of Twente. Her current research focuses on microfluidics applications of cell analysis. Since January 2008 she has been appointed as assistant professor in the ame group to lead the research topic «from cell on a chip towards lab-in-a-cell applications. Albert van den Berg leads The Lab-on-a-Chip Group at the University of Twente. His current research interests focus on microanalysis systems and nanosensors, nanofluidics and single cells on chips. He received the Simon Stevin Master award from the Dutch Technical Science foundation (STW) in 2002 and, in the following year, was appointed captain of the Nanofluidics Flagship within the national nanotechnology program, Nanoned.

3 Ebooks de Daniel Knapp

Severine le Gac & Albert van den Berg: Miniaturization and Mass Spectrometry
The recent explosion in the use of analytical chemistry, particularly in the biological sciences, has led to a need for fast, reliable and highly sensitive tools able to handle small sample sizes. Th …
Carsten Ritterskamp & Martin Schmitz-Ohrndorf: Agiles Requirements Engineering und Testen
Agiles Requirements Engineering hat sich in der Praxis bewährt. Im Vergleich zu nicht agilen Vorgehensweisen werden die an das Ergebnis gestellten Erwartungen nahezu immer erfüllt, wie das erste Kapi …
Mark D. Cole & Christina Etteldorf: Interoperabilität als Gegenstand von (Medien-) Regulierung
Bedenkliche Entwicklungen der Digitallandschaft wie Lock-in-Effekte und „walled gardens“ können sich nicht nur negativ auf den Wettbewerb, sondern auch auf die freie und vielfältige Verbreitung von I …