Written as only a dedicated missionary to the Israelites could write it, this is a penetrating analysis of the Son of God as a servant as is pictured in Isaiah 53. Author Baron is acknowledged as an authority on the history of Israel and on the writings of the Old Testament. His exposition of Isaiah 53 is broken down as follows:
Part I – Critical Examination of the Non-Messianic Interpretations of Isaiah 53
Part II – The Exposition
A. Jehovah’s Introduction of His Servant
B. Israel’s Penitential Confession
C. The Resurrection and Future Glory of the Servant of Jehovah
D. Jehovah’s Final Word Concerning the Servant – the Glorious award for His Sufferings
Appendix – The Suffering Messiah of the Synagogue
‘The Servant of Jehovah’ will prove invaluable not only for devotional reading but also as source material on the death and resurrection of Christ for ministers, Bible students, Sunday school teachers and other Christian laity.
Sobre el autor
David Baron (1855-1926) was born in an Orthodox Jewish home in Russia. Upon converting to Christianity, Baron dedicated himself to explaining Christianity to the Jews and to helping Christians understand prophecy and the future restoration of Israel. He was founder of the organization Hebrew Christian Testimony to Israel.