‘It takes a brave person to write a cookbook these days, ‘ begins Thomas Moore (author of Care of the Soul: A Guide to Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life) in his foreword to The Alchemy of Cooking.
‘In this book you will sense no heroics . . . What you get is a sophisticated man choosing to eat simply and inviting others to share in his culinary happiness. Chef as therapist.’
‘I was reminded of James Hillman’s Freud’s Own Cookbook with its recipes for such psychological fare as ‘momovers’ and ‘Paranoid Pie.»
Sobre el autor
Through Rosenberry Books, Ms Katz’s work has been seen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Smithsonian, the Chicago Institute of Art, Washington National Cathedral, etc. and recognized by Design Observer of the Winterhouse Institute.Diane is the author of On All My Holy Mountain: A Modern Fraktur and Apples Dipped in Honey: A Jewish ABC. She has illustrated numerous books including Purple: A Parable, The Stone House, Garden Snippets, and Pieces of History: Quilt Patterns from the North Carolina Museum of History.