Mr and Mrs Quest lived in a little house on the very top of a hill. People from all around came to visit and the view would have been perfect but for the rock that blocked it. Fed up with no view, Mr Quest decided to move the rock. He never expected what happened next!
Sobre el autor
David Mc Kee (1935 – 2022) was the creator of well-known characters including King Rollo, Mr Benn and Elmer the Patchwork Elephant, which is now published in more than 60 languages and has its own successful global merchandise programme. David was born in Devon and went to Plymouth Art College, where he had a traditional training. On leaving college he drew regularly for Punch, Reader’s Digest, and The Times Educational Supplement. His drawings were influenced especially by Saul Steinberg and Andre Francois. In 2020, David won the British Book Awards Illustrator of the Year Award and Book Trust’s Lifetime Achievement Award.