Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders are central to the day-to-day practice of almost all areas of patient-centered medicine – both medical and surgical. Virtually every aspect of these disorders has experienced major developments in recent years.
Core Concepts in the Disorders of Fluid, Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance encompasses these new findings in comprehensive reviews of both pathophysiology and clinical management. In addition, this volume offers clinical examples providing step-by-step analysis of the pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, and management of selected clinical problems.
Written by leading experts in fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders, this reference is an invaluable resource for both the nephrologist and the non-specialist physician, or medical trainee.
Tabla de materias
The Physiology of Water Homeostasis.- Disorders of Water Metabolism.- Potassium and the Dyskalemias.- Disorders of Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium Metabolism.- Management of Fluid and Electrolyte Abnormalities in Children.- Diuretic Therapy.- Renal Acidification Mechanisms.- Core Concepts and Treatment of Metabolic Acidosis.- Metabolic Alkalosis.- Respiratory Acid-Base Disorders.- Mixed Acid-Base Disorders.- Case Studies in Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disorders.-