Pramod K Nayar is Professor of English at the University of Hyderabad, India. His work in postcolonial studies includes Colonial Voices: The Discourses of Empire (2012), Writing Wrongs: The Cultural Construction of Human Rights in India (2012), English Writing and India, 1600–1920:Colonizing Aesthetics (2008)and Postcolonial Literature: An Introduction (2008). His interests in cultural studies include superheroes, consumer culture, ‘cool’, posthumanism and new media cultures, and his work here includes Posthumanism ( 2013)An Introduction to Cultural Studies (2008), Reading Culture: Theory, Praxis, Politics (2006) and Virtual Worlds: Culture and Politics in the Age of Cybertechnology (2004) besides numerous essays on cyberculture and, more recently, on human rights narratives.
2 Ebooks de Debdas Roy
Soumyadeep Chakraborty & Krishanu Maiti: Global Perspectives on Eco-Aesthetics and Eco-Ethics
Global Perspectives on Eco-Aesthetics and Eco-Ethics: A Green Critique focuses on the interface of the Anthropocene, sustainability, ecological aesthetics, multispecies relationality, and the environ …
Snehanshu Pal & Debdas Roy: Processing and Characterization of Materials
This book includes selected conference proceedings of Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (CPCM-2020). The content of the book includes processing of and characterization of ma …