Deborah Dixon is a southern belle raised in Horse Creek Valley, known as the Valley. She has been placed here on this earth to complete a temporary assignment while planting the seeds of hope and helping as many people as God puts in her pathway. It can be simple as a smile or lending a hand to show others that they do not have to settle for second best, because the best is having a relationship with God. Whenever we reach the completion of our assignment, the sands of time are no more. If we do not ask for God’s grace and guidance, not only have we failed miserably in this life; we have also failed to establish a plan whereby we can live eternally. Do not attempt the task alone, and do not settle for less than being forever by his side to see the fruits of the seeds that were planted.
7 Ebooks de Deborah Dixon
Tim Cresswell & Deborah Dixon: Engaging Film
Engaging Film is a creative, interdisciplinary volume that explores the engagements among film, space, and identity and features a section on the use of films in the classroom as a critical pedagogic …
Deborah Dixon: Why Settle?
Every page has a Bible verse, along with a devotional and experiences that I have encountered in my relationship with God. Trusting God; seeking his approval, rather than everyone elses; and realizin …
Deborah Dixon & Matthew Hannah: Introduction to Political Geography
An Introduction to Political Geography continues to provide a broad-based introduction to contemporary political geography for students following undergraduate degree courses in geography and related …
Deborah Dixon & Matthew Hannah: Introduction to Political Geography
An Introduction to Political Geography continues to provide a broad-based introduction to contemporary political geography for students following undergraduate degree courses in geography and related …
Deanne K. Bird & Deborah Dixon: Environmental Hazards
The seventh edition of Environmental Hazards provides a much expanded and fully up-to-date overview of all the extreme environmental events that threaten people and what they value in the 21st centur …
Deanne K. Bird & Deborah Dixon: Environmental Hazards
The seventh edition of Environmental Hazards provides a much expanded and fully up-to-date overview of all the extreme environmental events that threaten people and what they value in the 21st centur …