Award-winning author Denise Wilson, asks the question:
When life is over and you stand before God, what will he say to you?
There is no greater tragedy than for someone to go through their entire life thinking they are a Christian only to hear these seven fateful words at death: ‘I never knew you; depart from me’ (Matt. 7:23).
A.W. Tozer said, ‘It is my opinion that tens of thousands, if not millions, have been brought into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ and they have not been saved.’ How can you be sure that your profession of faith is more than just words? Seven Words You Never Want to Hear explores the mystery of salvation through the Scriptures and personal stories.
Author Denise Wilson invites you to take the challenge that the apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth-examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. The gospel changes everything-beliefs, lifestyles, and priorities. Has it changed you?
Don’t wait until death to find out if you got it right.
Tabla de materias
1. The Christian Home Syndrome
2. How Jesus Evangelized
3. Follow Me
4. Examine Your Beliefs
5. Repentance-the Missing Note
6. Strange Fruit
7. Confession
8. Forgiveness
9. Examine Your Obedience
10. Examine Your Loves
11. Dying to Self
12. Those Who Counted the Cost
13. The Gospel of Greed
14. The Gospel of Self
15. The Gospel of Rome
16. Light versus Darkness
17. The Mystery of Salvation
18. The Wrath of God
19. The Great Reveal
20. The Gospel Changes Everything
21. Nothing but the Truth
Appendix. Flee from the Wrath to Come
Sobre el autor
Denise Wilson has been concerned about the issues discussed in this book for over thirty years. She has a BSc. in biblical studies from Emmaus Bible College. A former missionary and church planter, she leads Bible studies, speaks at women’s events, and is passionate about sharing her faith. Denise lives in small town Ontario, Canada with her husband, two sons, and a whole bunch of chickens. To connect with Denise visit her website at