This succinct yet comprehensive volume describes current and emerging concepts in molecular pathology of bladder cancer. Divided into two distinct sections, the first part focuses on the general principles of molecular findings in bladder cancer, while the second part focuses on the molecular changes associated with specific histologic subtypes. The volume also addresses such topics as molecular alterations in non-invasive and invasive disease, including bladder cancer variants as appropriate, emerging molecular classifiers of bladder cancer, and molecular associations to outcome and treatment. Written by experts in the field, Precision Molecular Pathology of Bladder Cancer is a valuable resource for those in the urologic community, including urologic pathologists, urologists, urologic oncologists and radiation oncologists, who treat and manage bladder cancer.
Tabla de materias
1.Risk Factors and Molecular Features Associated with Bladder Cancer Development.- 2.Grading, Staging, and Morphologic Risk Stratification of Bladder Cancer.- 3.Genomic Assessment of Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: Insights from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project.- 4.Molecular Alterations in the Pathogenesis of Bladder Cancer Subtypes and Urothelial Carcinoma Variants.- 5.Treatment Paradigms in Bladder Cancer: Clinical Implications of Histological and Molecular Analysis.- 6.Requisite for Collection and Distribution of Tissue and Fluid Specimens for Molecular Diagnostics and Discovery in Bladder Cancer.- 7.Diagnostic, Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers on Bladder Tissue and Blood.- 8.Urine Cytology and Existing Urinary Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer.- 9.Molecular Targeted Therapy of Bladder Cancer.- 10.Response to Immunotherapy: Application of Molecular Pathology to Predict Successful Response.- 11.Emerging Molecular Approaches in the Analysis of Urine in Bladder Cancer Diagnosis.- 12. Stromal Contributions to Tumor Progression in Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder.- 13.Modeling Bladder Cancer with Genetic Engineering: Fidelity of Human-to-laboratory Models.
Sobre el autor
Donna E. Hansel MD Ph D
Professor, UCSD Department of Pathology
Chief, Division of Anatomic Pathology
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0612
La Jolla, CA 92093
Seth P. Lerner, MD, FACS
Professor, Scott Department of Urology
Beth and Dave Swalm Chair in Urologic Oncology
Director of Urologic Oncology
Director of the Multidisciplinary Bladder Cancer Program
Faculty Group Practice Medical Director
Co-Editor in Chief Bladder Cancer
Baylor College of Medicine Medical Center
7200 Cambridge, MC BCM380
Houston, Texas 77030