Gene S. Helfman is an Emeritus Professor of Ecology in the
Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia. He retired after 30
years of conducting research on and teaching about ichthyology,
animal behavior, and conservation biology. His research focused on
the behavioral ecology and conservation of fishes in lakes,
streams, coastal oceans, and coral reefs. In addition to
contributing to this textbook, Helfman in 2007 published a highly
acclaimed reference and text, Fish Conservation: A Guide to
Understanding and Restoring Global Aquatic Biodiversity and Fishery
Resources. He received a BS from the University of California, an
MS from the University or Hawaii, and a Ph.D. from Cornell
Bruce Collette is a Senior Scientist at the National
Systematics Laboratory of the National Marine Fisheries Service
based in the National Museum of Natural History, part of the
Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. He studies the
systematics and evolution of several groups of epipelagic fishes
such as tunas, mackerels, halfbeaks, and needlefishes and benthic
fishes such as toadfishes and has published over 250 papers on
these and other fishes. He has co-authored books on fishes of the
Gulf of Maine and Bermuda. He received his BS and Ph D degrees at
Cornell University.
Doug Facey is a Professor of Biology at Saint Michael»s
College in Vermont where he studies the ecology and physiology of
fishes of Lake Champlain and its tributaries. One ongoing area of
interest is fish diversity in lower tributaries, including some
rare darters. Doug received his BS in Biology at the University of
Maine-Orono, his MS in Zoology at the University of Vermont, and
his Ph D in Zoology at the University of Georgia.
Brian Bowen spent the summers of his youth snorkeling in
Cape Cod Bay, where he learned to appreciate fishes. Dr Bowen is a
researcher at Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (University of
Hawaii), with over two dozen research expeditions, and over 100
publications on the conservation genetics of fishes and other
vertebrates. He holds a M.A. degree from Virginia Institute of
Marine Science, a Ph.D. from University of Georgia, and is a fellow
of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Currently Dr. Bowen works on fish five days a week, and on the
weekend prefers to go fishing.
3 Ebooks de Douglas E. Facey
Gene S. Helfman & Bruce B. Collette: The Diversity of Fishes
The second edition of The Diversity of Fishes represents a major revision of the world’s most widely adopted ichthyology textbook. Expanded and updated, the second edition is illustrated throughout w …
Douglas E. Facey & Brian W. Bowen: The Diversity of Fishes
THE DIVERSITY OF FISHES The third edition of The Diversity of Fishes is a major revision of the widely adopted ichthyology textbook, incorporating the latest advances in the biology of fishes and cov …
Douglas E. Facey & Brian W. Bowen: The Diversity of Fishes
THE DIVERSITY OF FISHES The third edition of The Diversity of Fishes is a major revision of the widely adopted ichthyology textbook, incorporating the latest advances in the biology of fishes and cov …