The Illustrious Prince is an interesting and mysterious novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim. The novel was written more than 30 years before Pearl Harbor and four years before World War I began. The plot of The Illustrious Prince in England was sometime after the Russian-Japanese War, which the Japanese won in 1905. The main character of the novel is a Japanese aristocrat named Prince Maiyo who is in England on behalf of his cousin, the Emperor of Japan, who is looking for a we...
The Illustrious Prince is an interesting and mysterious novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim. The novel was written more than 30 years before Pearl Harbor and four years before World War I began. The plot of The Illustrious Prince in England was sometime after the Russian-Japanese War, which the Japanese won in 1905. The main character of the novel is a Japanese aristocrat named Prince Maiyo who is in England on behalf of his cousin, the Emperor of Japan, who is looking for a western ally among the European nations. You will learn about the murders of two American spies, the intrepid Scotland Yard detective who is hunting down the killer, and how the British Home Office is courting Prince Maiyo in the hopes that he will persuade his cousin the Emperor to side with Great Britain. Several highborn ladies and gentlemen from the British nobility befriend the attractive Prince and become entangled in the intrigue as the investigator works to solve the murder case. Will Prince Maiyo’s cousin persuade? Will the detective be successful to solve this murder mystery? To know the answers, readers should read the complete story!