Willie Esterhuyse was born in 1936 in Laingsburg. He studied at the University of Stellenbosch, where he obtained a D Phil. He lives in Stellenbosch, but he travels widely and is in demand as a speaker both in South Africa and internationally. He also writes columns and opinion pieces for local and international media.
Prof Esterhuyse»s numerous publications include Apartheid Must Die, Die pad van hervorming, Anton Rupert: Pleitbesorger vir hoop, The ANC and its Leaders, God en die gode van Egipte and Die God van Genesis. With Ebbe Dommisse he wrote the topseller Anton Rupert: A Biography. He was the compiler for Thabo Mbeki»s Africa: The time has come and Africa: Define yourself.
7 Ebooks de Ebbe Dommisse
Ebbe Dommisse: Sir David Pieter de Villiers Graaff
Sir David Graaff’s unique South African story begins as a poor child in Villiersdorp, watching over sheep and pigs. He was helped by a well-off friend of the family and taken to Cape Town to work at …
Ebbe Dommisse: Anton Rupert: A Biography
The extraordinary life story of South African tycoon and philanthropist Dr Anton Rupert. It is the story of a Karoo boy who grew up during the Depression, struggled to find enough money to study scie …
Ebbe Dommisse: Anton Rupert: ‘n lewensverhaal
Die merkwaardige lewensverhaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse magnaat en weldoener dr. Anton Rupert word hier volledig en sonder doekies omdraai vertel. Dit is die verhaal van ‘n seun uit die Karoo wat in d …
Ebbe Dommisse: Fortunes
A handful of Afrikaners have risen to the very top of the business world in South Africa in the past three decades, some of them now dollar billionaires with vast global business interests. With Koos …
Ebbe Dommisse: Fortuine
Die ongekende sukses van Afrikaner-sakelui het die afgelope drie dekades verras en verstom. ‘n Aantal is vandag dollar-miljardêrs met uitgebreide internasionale belange. Die opkoms van die Afrikaner- …
Ebbe Dommisse: Anton Rupert
Die verstommende storie van ’n sakelegende wat een van Afrika se welvarendste maatskappye uit niks opgebou het. Wat was Anton Rupert se geheim? Sy sienings oor die skepping van werk en welvaart in ’n …
Ebbe Dommisse: Anton Rupert
Anton Rupert is a legend of the 20th century. Here we have Rupert’s story, as complete, I suspect, as we will ever have it. Not only the story of fanatical perseverance, but also of someone with exce …