Providing a unique ‘on-the-ground’ perspective, this book examines the implementation of three empirically supported response-to-intervention (RTI) models in four different school districts. The book addresses the complexity of putting RTI into place in the elementary grades, showing how the process actually took place and what impact it had on school climates and student learning and behavior. The challenges of systems change are explored and key lessons identified for improving intervention outcomes. Invaluable reproducible tools developed and field tested during the implementation of each model can be downloaded and printed by purchasers in a convenient full-page size.
Tabla de materias
1. Progress Monitoring: Support and Practice Implementation from the Federal Level, Grace Zamora Durán, Elizabeth M. Hughes, and Renée Bradley I. Monitoring Progress in Pennsylvania Pupils: MP3 at Lehigh University2. The Structure and Context of the RTI Model, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon, Edward S. Shapiro, Nathan H. Clemens, and Karen L. Gischlar3. The Process of Implementation and Design for Sustainability, Karen L. Gischlar, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon, Nathan H. Clemens, and Edward S. Shapiro4. Student Achievement Outcomes, Nathan H. Clemens, Edward S. Shapiro, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon, and Karen L. Gischlar II. Implementing RTI in Low-Achieving, High-Need Schools: Project MP3 at the University of Pittsburgh5. Context and Commitment, Amanda Kloo, Charles D. Machesky, and Naomi Zigmond6. A Blueprint for Change, Amanda Kloo, María Almendárez Barron, Eileen St. John, and Naomi Zigmond7. Celebrating Achievement Gains and Cultural Shifts, Naomi Zigmond, Amanda Kloo, and Kathleen Stanfa III. The Minnesota Demonstrating Progress Monitoring Project8. The Context and Content of Implementation, Doug Marston, Ann Casey, and Teri Wallace9. The Process of Implementation, Doug Marston, Teri Wallace, Jane Thompson, Mathew Lau, and Paul Muyskens10. Evaluation of Implementation, Teri Wallace, Doug Marston, Renáta Tichá, Matthew Lau, and Paul Muyskens IV. The University of Oregon-Eugene School District 4J Model of RTI11. The Context and Process of Implementation, Yvonne Curtis, Larry Sullivan, Julie Alonzo, and Gerald Tindal12. The Measurement System Behind the RTI Model, Julie Alonzo and Gerald Tindal13. Implementation and Outcomes, Kimy Liu, Julie Alonzo, and Gerald Tindal V. Perspective from the Model Demonstration Coordination Center14. A Cross-Case Perspective on the Implementation of Model Demonstration Projects, Mary Wagner and Phyllis Levine
Sobre el autor
Edward S. Shapiro, Ph D, until his death in 2016, was Director of the Center for Promoting Research to Practice and Professor in the School Psychology Program at Lehigh University. Best known for his work in curriculum-based assessment and nonstandardized methods of assessing academic skills problems, Dr. Shapiro was author or coauthor of numerous books. He also developed the widely used BOSS (Behavioral Observation of Students in Schools) software system and presented papers, chaired symposia, and delivered invited addresses at conferences around the world. Dr. Shapiro’s contributions to the field of school psychology have been recognized with the Outstanding Contributions to Training Award from Trainers of School Psychologists, the Distinguished Contribution to School Psychology Award from the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, the Eleanor and Joseph Lipsch Research Award from Lehigh University, and the Senior Scientist Award from the Division of School Psychology of the American Psychological Association, among other honors. Naomi Zigmond, Ph D, is Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Pittsburgh. She has been an active special education researcher and teacher for more than 40 years, with a focus on the organization of special education services for students with disabilities in elementary and secondary schools and the impact of program organization on student achievement. She is a recipient of the Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children. Teri Wallace, Ph D, is Associate Professor in the College of Education at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Her research interests include general outcome measurement development for students with significant cognitive disabilities, RTI, the use of data for decision making, and implementing co-teaching in teacher preparation programs. In addition, she is interested in the continuous improvement of teacher education. Doug Marston, Ph D, is Administrator for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment for the Special Education Department of the Minneapolis Public Schools and an adjunct faculty member in the Special Education Program at the University of Minnesota. He is a recipient of the Ysseldyke Distinguished Best Practices Award from the Minnesota School Psychology Association.