Why Am I Stuck? is the how and why your life is impacted by your very thoughts, and what you can do to deliberately create the life you desire. Why Am I Stuck? is inspiring, motivating and challenging. Why Am I Stuck? The Science Of Releasing Yourself From Being Held A Mental Hostage is a instructional guide to personal growth and positive change in every aspect of your life.
Sobre el autor
Ehryck F. Gilmore, holds a degree from De Paul University he has also attended The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and the School of Spiritual Psychology Milwaukee, which has enabled him to learn and teach others the spiritual practices that can help them change their mindsets and lives. Ehryck credits these same methods through positive thinking with bringing to fruition those that he’s had the pleasure of working for and with including Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston, AT&T, the U.S.Navy, Hire Milwaukee, He can alsospeak upon how the Lawof Attraction and positivethinking has impacted his life personally and why it led him to teach these same principles to Others. Ehryck has been seen and quoted in Newsweek Magazine, on NBC, NPR, The Chicago Suntimes, and Comcast Newsmakers.