The world is facing great changes. We have to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead.
The type of book that I have written is becoming more demanding with the population all around the globe.
The reason is, people are looking for answers. They are not happy with their lives because something is missing from life and with the state the world is in, like in the Middle East, where wars are still continuing. Atrocities on a grand scale are happening every daythe beheading and murder of innocent men, women, and children. A lot of people are turning to drugs and alcohol, especially the younger generation. And now we are faced with the ISIS threatening to take away our freedom, This can never be allowed to happen.
My book offers answers as to why life happens in the first place, why we have a life, and the reasons why we are all here. My book could change your life. Im sure you will find it helpful, and some of your questions answered, if not all.
God bless you all.
Eileen Veronica Richmond
Sobre el autor
In 1984, after the death of my father, my life was to change forever. I knew that death was not the end. So began the thirty years of research. In June 1997, on a sunny Friday afternoon, I experienced a divine revelation in broad daylight, which took me from this earth to another dimension. There I was to discover what God had in store for me. At that time in my life, I wasnt sure if God existed. I was told that I had a mission to complete back on earth, and that is to help all of humanity. My response and protest to this was that I did not feel worthy or I was not educated enough for the task involved. It was as if suddenly I realized where I was. I felt very humble and overwhelmed. I wasnt told how and when this would take place. That was for me to discover. It has been a long, hard, and bumpy journey.
I hope you find my book helpful.
Peace and light,
Eileen Veronica Richmond