The Handbook to Global Online Journalism features acollection of readings from international practitioners andscholars that represent a comprehensive and state-of-the-artoverview of the relationship between the internet and journalismaround the world.
* Provides a state-of-the-art overview of current research andfuture directions of online journalism
* Traces the evolution of journalistic practices, businessmodels, and shifting patterns of journalistic cultures that haveemerged around the world with the migration of news online
* Written and edited by top international researchers andpractitioners in the area of online journalism
* Features an extensive breadth of coverage, including economics, organizational practices, contents and experiences
* Discusses developments in online news in a wide range ofcountries, from the USA to Brazil, and from Germany to China
* Contains original theory, new research data, and reviews ofexisting studies in the field
Tabla de materias
Notes on Contributors viii
1 Introduction: The Evolution of Online Journalism 1
Eugenia Siapera and Andreas Veglis
Part I Theories 19
2 Media Convergence 21
Infotendencias Group
3 Challenging Values: The ‘Good’ Journalist Online 39
John O’Sullivan
4 Experiencing Journalism: A New Model for Online Newspapers59
Sue Robinson
5 The Field of Online Journalism: A Bourdieusian Analysis77
Eugenia Siapera and Lia-Paschalia Spyridou
Part II Politics 99
6 Online Journalism and Civic Life 101
João Carlos Correia
7 De-democratizing the News? New Media and the Structural Practices of Journalism 119
Natalie Fenton
8 Crises, Radical Online Journalism, and the State 135
Lee Salter
9 Forms of Online Journalism and Politics 155
Eugenia Siapera
Part III Production 177
10 Bridging the Gap: Toward a Typology of Cross-media News Production Processes 179
Ivar John Erdal
11 Technology and the Transformation of News Work: Are Labor Conditions in (Online) Journalism Changing? 192
Steve Paulussen
12 Journalism and Cross-media Publishing: The Case of Greece209
Andreas Veglis
13 The Economics of Online Journalism 231
Richard van der Wurff
Part IV Practices 251
14 Crowdsourcing Investigative Journalism: Help Me Investigate- A Case Study 253
Paul Bradshaw with Andy Brightwell
15 Media Accountability Practices in Online News Media 272
David Domingo and Heikki Heikkilä
16 Technology and Journalism: Conflict and Convergence at the Production Level 290
Andreas Giannakoulopoulos, Iraklis Varlamis, and Stelios Kouloglou
17 Social Journalism: Exploring How Social Media is Shaping Journalism 309
Alfred Hermida
Part V Contents 329
18 Online News Reporting of Crisis Events: Investigating the Role of Citizen Witnessing 331
Stuart Allan
19 Contribution to an Online Journalism Language: Multimedia Grammar 353
João Canavilhas
20 The Paradox of Personalization: The Social and Reflexive Turnof Adaptive News 373
Neil Thurman and Steve Schifferes
Part VI Global Contexts 393
21 Brazilian News Blogs and Mainstream News Organizations:Tensions, Symbiosis, or Independency? 395
Olga Guedes Bailey and Francisco Paulo Jamil Marques
22 A Chance for Diversity? Australian Online Journalism412
Axel Bruns
23 Online Journalism in Germany 429
Thomas Hanitzsch and Thorsten Quandt
24 The Evolution and Challenges of Online Journalism in Nigeria445
Farooq A. Kperogi
25 Doing Journalism Online: How UK News Organizations Have Adapted in the Age of the Internet 462
Kostas Saltzis
26 J-blogging in China: Development, Significance, and Challenges 478
Jin Shang and Hao Zhang
Index 494
Sobre el autor
Eugenia Siapera is Lecturer in New Media and Journalism atthe Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is the author of Cultural Diversity and Global Media (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)and Understanding New Media (2012), and editor of Radical Democracy and the Media (with L. Dahlberg, 2007) and At the Interface (with J. Hands, 2004).
Andreas Veglis is Associate Professor and Head of the Media Informatics Lab in the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He isthe author or co-author of ten books, has published dozens ofpapers in peer-reviewed journals, and has presented over fiftypapers in international and national conferences on variousmedia-related topics.