Drawing on econometric evidence and in-depth studies of West Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia, this book explores how horizontal inequalities – ethnic, religious or racial – are a source of violent conflict and how political, economic and cultural status inequalities have contributed. Policies to reverse inequality would reduce these risks.
Tabla de materias
PART ONE: CONCEPTS AND ISSUES Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: An Introduction and Some Hypotheses; F.Stewart Who Should be Included? Noncitizens, Conflict and the Constitution of the Citizenry; M.Gibney Cultural Status Inequalities: An Important Dimension of Group Mobilization; A.Langer& G.K.Brown Horizontal Inequalities: Explaining Persistence and Change; F.Stewart& A.Langer PART TWO: MEASUREMENT AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Approaches to the Measurement of Horizontal Inequalities; L.Mancini, F.Stewart& G.K.Brown Horizontal Inequality and Communal Violence: Evidence from Indonesian Districts; L.Mancini Inequalities, the Political Environment and Civil Conflict: Evidence from 55 Developing Countries; G.Østby PART THREE: HIS AND CONFLICT IN THREE REGIONS When Do Horizontal Inequalities Lead to Conflict? Lessons from a Comparative Study of Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire; A.Langer Horizontal Inequalities and Ethnic Violence: Evidence from Calabar and Warri, Nigeria; U.Ukiwo Ethnicity, Religion and the State in Ghana and Nigeria: Perceptions from the Street; A. Langer& U.Ukiwo Inequality, Ethnicity and Political Violence in Latin America: The Cases of Bolivia, Guatemala and Peru; C.Caumartin, G.Gray Molina& R.Thorp Horizontal Inequalities and Separatism in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Perspective; G.K.Brown PART FOUR: CONCLUSIONS AND POLICIES Major Findings and Conclusions on the Relationship Between Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict; F.Stewart, G.K.Brown & A.Langer Policies towards Horizontal Inequalities; F.Stewart, G.K.Brown& A.Langer Conclusions
Sobre el autor
GRAHAM BROWN is Research Officer, Southeast Asia, the Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE), University of Oxford, UK CORINNE CAUMARTIN is Research Officer, Latin America, CRISE, University of Oxford, UK MATTHEW GIBNEY is Reader in Forced Migration and Senior Researcher specializing in political theory, CRISE, University of Oxford, UK GEORGE GRAY MOLINA is the Cooridinator of the Bolivian Human Development Report at UNDP-Bolivia and partner researcher, CRISE, University of Oxford, UK ARNIM LANGER is Research Officer in Economics and Politics, West Africa, CRISE, University of Oxford, UK LUCA MANCINI is Research Officer in Applied Econometrics, CRISE, University of Oxford, UK GUDRUN ØSTBY is part-time Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Norway FRANCES STEWART is Professor of Development Economics and Director of CRISE, University of Oxford, UK ROSEMARY THORP is University Reader in the Economics of Latin America and Senior Researcher responsible for the Latin American Programme at CRISE, University of Oxford, UK