The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has stirred passions like no other trade negotiation in recent history. Its supporters maintain that TTIP will produce spectacular growth and job creation; claims that are wholeheartedly rejected by its critics, who regard TTIP as a direct assault on workers’ rights, health and safety standards and public services.
In this incisive analysis, Gabriel Siles-Brugge and Ferdi de Ville scrutinize the claims made by TTIP’s cheer...
Tabla de materias
* Acknowledgements
* List of tables and figures
* List of abbreviations
* Introduction
* 1 Growth and Jobs
* 2 Setting Global Standards
* 3 The Bottom Line: ...
Sobre el autor
Ferdi De Ville is Assistant Professor in Politics at Ghent University
Gabriel Siles-Brugge is Lecturer in Politics at the University of Manchester.