Autor: Francois Moscovici

Averil Leimon, ist Teilhaber der White Water Strategies, einer Consulting Firma, die im Business-Coaching seit über 20 Jahren für innovative Ansätze steht. François Moscovici, Mitbegründer der White Water Strategies. Er arbeitet als Trainer für Führungskräfte und gibt regelmäßig In-House-Schulungen. Gladeana Mc Mahon, Coach im Bereich Personalentwicklung und Trainerin für Führungskräfte. Sie ist Vize-Präsidentin der Association for Coaching und Mitglied in der British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

8 Ebooks de Francois Moscovici

Gladeana McMahon & Francois Moscovici: Business-Coaching
Coaching boomt! Jeder, der beruflich oder privat vorankommen will, versucht seine Leistungen durch ein individuelles Coaching zu verbessern. Und warum auch nicht? Professionelle Hilfe in Form eines …
Gladeana McMahon & Francois Moscovici: Business-Coaching
Coaching boomt! Jeder, der beruflich oder privat vorankommen will, versucht seine Leistungen durch ein individuelles Coaching zu verbessern. Und warum auch nicht? Professionelle Hilfe in Form eines …
Averil Leimon & Gladeana McMahon: Essential Business Coaching
Do coaches need to be psychologists, business people or both? Essential Business Coaching offers a much-needed answer to the question of what makes a good business coach. The authors draw on 60 years …
Coaching Women to Lead
Averil Leimon & Gladeana McMahon: Essential Business Coaching
Do coaches need to be psychologists, business people or both? Essential Business Coaching offers a much-needed answer to the question of what makes a good business coach. The authors draw on 60 y …
Averil Leimon & Gladeana McMahon: Essential Business Coaching
Do coaches need to be psychologists, business people or both? Essential Business Coaching offers a much-needed answer to the question of what makes a good business coach. The authors draw on 60 y …
Helen (White Water Strategies, London, UK) Goodier & Averil Leimon: Coaching Women to Lead
Ten years ago, the first edition of this book asked why there was such a low number of women filling leadership roles and outlined what it took for women to succeed in their careers. Since then, head …
Helen (White Water Strategies, London, UK) Goodier & Averil Leimon: Coaching Women to Lead
Ten years ago, the first edition of this book asked why there was such a low number of women filling leadership roles and outlined what it took for women to succeed in their careers. Since then, head …