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Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices has been considered the standard for all educational administration textbooks for three decades. A thorough and comprehensive revision, the
Seventh Edition continues to balance theory and research with practical application for prospective and practicing school administrators. While maintaining the book’s hallmark features—a friendly and approachable writing style, cutting-edge content, and compelling pedagogy—authors Frederick C. Lunenburg and Allan Ornstein present research-based practices while discussing topical issues facing school administrators today.
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Tabla de materias
PART I Fundamental Principles and Concepts
Chapter 1: Development of Administrative Theory
What Is Theory?
The Functions of Theories
Classical Organizational Theory
Human Relations Approach
Behavioral Science Approach
Post-Behavioral Science Era
Emergent Nontraditional Perspectives Schools as Open Systems
The Learning Organization
Chapter 2: Organizational Structure
What is Organizational Structure?
The Bureaucratic Model
The Participatory Management Model
Alternative Models of Organizational Structure
The School as a Social System
Chapter 3: Organizational Culture
What is Organizational Culture?
Creating, Maintaining, and Changing Organizational Culture
Effects of Organizational Culture
Organizational Climate
PART II: Administrative Process
Chapter 4: Motivation
Defining Motivation
Content Theories
Process Theories
Chapter 5: Leadership
The Nature of Leadership
Trait Theories
Behavior Theories
Contingency Theories
Leadership Styles
Other Contemporary Perspectives
Chapter 6: Decision Making
The Nature of Decision Making
Types of Decisions
How Are Decisions Made?
Benefits of Group Decision Making
Problems with Group Decision Making
Chapter 7: Communication
The Importance of Communication
The Communication Process
Nonverbal Communication
Direction of Communication
Communication Networks
Communication and Technology
Barriers to Communication
Overcoming Barriers to Communication
Chapter 8: Organizational Change
Forces for Change
Resistance to Change
Overcoming Resistance to Change
Managing Change
Organizational Development
PART III: The Structural Framework for Education
Chapter 9: Government and Education
The Federal Role in Education
Changing Roles in the Federal Government and Education
Federal Programs and Activities in Education
State Government and Education
State Education Agencies
State Reform Movements
Organization of School Districts
Local School Boards
The School Superintendent
The Central Staff
The Principal and the School
Chapter 10: School Finance and Productivity
Education and Economics
Tax Sources of School Revenues
Local Financing of Public Schools
State Financing of Public Schools
State Financial Responsibility
School Effectiveness and Productivity
School Finance Trends
Financing School Construction
International Comparisons of Education Spending
Chapter 11: Legal Considerations and Education
Legal Framework for Public Education
American Judicial System
The Law and Professional Personnel
The Law and Students
The Law and State Issues
PART IV: Administration of Programs and Services
Chapter 12: Curriculum Development and Implementation
Curriculum Definitions and Approaches
Curriculum Development
Components of Curriculum Development
Definitions of Knowledge
The Roles of the Curriculum Worker
Implementation as a Change Process
Chapter 13: Analyzing and Improving Teaching
Review of the Research on Teaching
Teacher Styles
Teacher Interaction
Teacher Characteristics
Teacher Effects
Teacher Contexts: New Research, New Paradigms
Reconceptualizing Teaching
Aptitude and Achievement
Chapter 14: Human Resources Administration
The Human Resource Management Process
Human Resource Planning
Professional Development
Performance Appraisal
Collective Bargaining
The Bargaining Process
Bargaining Tactics
New Bargaining Strategies
Sobre el autor
Allan C. Ornstein is Professor of Administrative and Instructional Leadership at St. Johns University. He is the author of 54 books and some 400 articles on education, and has been a consultant for more than 75 government and educational agencies, including the Chicago and New York City school districts. He is a former Fulbright-Hayes Scholar and member of the Fulbright-Hayes screening committee. Among Dr. Ornstein’s most recent books are Foundations of Education, 13th ed. (Cengage, 2016), Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Issues, 6th ed. (Pearson), and Contemporary Issues in Curriculum, 6th ed. (Pearson).