In this new collection of essays, ranging from biography to critical surveys of opinion, the events of Robertson’s life and career, his contributions to economics, the all-important influence of temperament on the development of his thought, his relationship with Keynes and the issues in his opposition to the Keynesian revolution are considered.
Tabla de materias
Introduction PART 1: THE MAN AND HIS ECONOMICS In Search of Dennis Robertson: Through the Looking-Glass and What I Found There Dennis Robertson (1890-1963) A Literary Economist PART 2: ROBERTSON ON THE TRADE CYCLE Opinion on the Study Money and the Management of the Short Period: Dennis Robertson’s ‘…odd little book’ Regulating the Role of Money in Robertsonian Economics Opinion on Banking Policy and the Price Level PART 3: ROBERTSON AND THE KEYNESIAN REVOLUTION The Keynesian Revolution and the Role of Money: Keynes’ Lasting Contribution Dennis Robertson and the Economics of the Short Period Shall I Compare Thee to a Wild Duck? Regulating the Role of Money in Robertsonian Economics The Centrality of the Rate of Interest Robertson, Keynes and the Keynesian Revolution
Sobre el autor
GORDON A. FLETCHER is a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Liverpool, UK. His main research interests are in the history of economic thought, with particular reference to the contributions and personalities of the Cambridge School. His three previous books include an acclaimed biography of Dennis Robertson.