A book about the Ten Commandments of God and the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth that have nothing to do with religion! They are excerpts from the eternal law of the love for God and neighbor - given for every person regardless of culture or nationality.
Discover the offer of God, the Free Spirit, to learn how these simple instructions for life can change our life to the positive. Read the explanations on the Ten Commandments, given in the words of our time, and immerse yourself in the explanations that Christ Himself reveals on the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount – given through Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of the Eternal Kingdom.
Tabla de materias
The Ten Commandments of God
The First Commandment of God
The Second Commandment of God
The Third Commandment of God
The Fourth Commandment of God
The Fifth Commandment of God
The Fifth Commandment of God
The Seventh Commandment of God
The Eighth Commandment of God
The Ninth Commandment of God
The Tenth Commandment of God
The Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount
The Beatitudes
The Calls of Woe
You are the salt of the Earth
You are the light of the world
Follow Me
Keep the commandments-only then teach
Live according to your insight
Reconcile with your neighbor
Forgive-and ask for forgiveness
Love your enemies
Bless those who curse you
Accept your neighbor from your heart
Do not bind yourself to people or things
Become perfect as your Father in heaven
Follow the path to within
Learn right prayer
Find the truth in you
Actualize your prayers
Find the positive in the negative
Do not mourn your dead
Where your treasure is, there is also your heart
Strive first for the Kingdom of God
Do not judge your neighbor
Begin with yourself
Do not proselytize
Go into your inner being
Give what you expect
Resist temptation-decide for God
Fulfill the will of God
Build on the rock-Christ
The Twelve Commandments of Jesus