God is at work in the Muslim world!
Fruit to Harvest is a cultural anthology written by a diverse group of gospel workers who live with and love Muslims. You will join a global mission conversation at the forefront of gospel advance—the world of Islam. Like its predecessor (From Seed to Fruit), this book is the result of a global consultation sponsored by the Vision 5:9 Network.
This volume is a storehouse of missiology that offers:
• Reflections from 47 writers hailing from 21 different countries
• Fresh case studies from the field of Muslim ministry
• Strategies for overcoming barriers to reaching Muslims
• Insights from hundreds of testimonies taken from field workers in 30 different agencies working across the Muslim world
Tabla de materias
Foreword (Don Mc Curry)
Preface Abiding in Jesus: An Introduction to Vision 5:9 and Abide, Bear Fruit
A Call to Action: The Abide Commitment (Martin Hall)
Sermon One (Dick Brogden)
Section 1: Harvest Trends (Stefan Henger, section editor)
Chapter 1- Extraordinary Boldness to Muslim Peoples: Global Trends Task Force Plenary Presentations, Abide and Bear Abide, Bear Fruit Global Consultation (Jim Haney)
Chapter 2- Rise of the Majority World: Reasons for Celebration, Caution, and Counsel (John Cheong)
Chapter 3- Gospel Advance among Muslim Peoples (Jim Haney)
Chapter 4- Opportunities and Threats in the Muslim World: A Case Study (Pam Arlund)
Chapter 5- The Faith of Believers from Muslim Backgrounds: A Case Study (Abu Suleman Yahiya)
Chapter 6- The Love of Faithful Families (Sue Eenigenburg, Naveed, Sara, and Linda Simon)
Chapter 7- Prayer: The Fuel for Change (Tamara)
Chapter 8 -Organizational Threats and Opportunities (Martin Hall and John Becker)
Chapter 9- Assessing Kingdom Movements for Muslim Peoples (Jim Haney)
Chapter 10- Younger Worker’s Hopes, Dreams, and Prayers in the Muslim World (Michael Kaspar)
Sermon Two (Deborah Lee)
Section 2: Harvest Field (Pam Arlund, section editor)
Chapter 11- Urban Muslim Peoples: Transitions and New Ethnic Streams among the Least Reached (Minh Ha Nguyen and Marko Pretorius)
Chapter 12- The Concept of Community and Identity among Muslims: A Case Study (Jonathan and Sofia Morgan)
Chapter 13- Discipling the Displaced in the Global South (John & Opeyemi Idoko and Namuwoza Wilson)
Chapter 14- Ministering in the Context of Trauma (Sarah G)
Chapter 15- Sheep in Need of a Shepherd (Caleb Rome)
Chapter 16- Living Water for Muslim Women (Moyra Dale, Cathy Hine, and Hasinoro Raja)
Chapter 17- Understanding the Role of Honor in Muslim Society (Audrey Frank and Jairo de Oliveira)
Chapter 18- How Would Jesus Shepherd an MBB’s Heart? (David F. Arzouni)
Sermon Three: (Roya and Javed)
Section 3: Harvest Force (Nate Scholtz, section editor)
Chapter 19- The Current Shift in Leadership from Expatriate to Local Workers (Gene Daniels)
Chapter 20- The Joy of the Harvest (Leina E.)
Chapter 21- Suffering as a Blessing! (B. Osman)
Chapter 22- House Lights: Slaves Who Bring Freedom (Gene Daniels and Brother Barnabas)
Sermon Four: (Yassir Eric)
Section 4: Harvest Pathways (Gene Daniels, section editor)
Chapter 23- Sending Structures that Work: Unleashing the Global South (FD and JS)
Chapter 24- Mobilizing for the Unengaged through Diaspora Ministry (Dr. Brian Hébert)
Chapter 25- Extreme Threats Require Good Preparation (Brian Eckheart)
Chapter 26- The Gift of Presence (Shodankeh Johnson and John Becker)
Chapter 27- Factors that Multiply Movements (Shalom and Trevor)
Chapter 28- Indigenous Media Can Spark Disciplemaking Movements to Christ (Calvin and Carol Conkey)
Chapter 29- Peacemaking in Albania and Kosovo (David Shenk)
Chapter 30- Fruitful Practices Learning Communities (Nate Scholz and Larry Burke)
Sermon Five: (Allan Matamoros)
Sobre el autor
Jim Haney serves as Director of Global Research for IMB. He writes and speask on missions and missiology.