In 1984, London is a grim city where Big Brother is always watching you, and Thought Police can practically read your mind. Winston is a man in grave danger for the simple reason that his memory still functions. Drawn into a forbidden love affair, Winston finds the courage to join a secret revolutionary organization called The Brotherhood, dedicated to the destruction of the Party. Together, with his beloved Julia, he hazards life in a deadly match against the powers that be.
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Idioma Inglés ● Formato EPUB ● Páginas 252 ● ISBN 6610000008582 ● Tamaño de archivo 0.5 MB ● Editorial Digital Deen Publications ● País US ● Publicado 2017 ● Descargable 24 meses ● Divisa EUR ● ID 7541593 ● Protección de copia Adobe DRM
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