Score your highest on exam day
Relax. The fact that you’re even considering taking the APEnglish Literature & Composition exam means you’re smart, hard-working, and ambitious. All you need is to get up to speed onthe exam’s topics and themes and take a couple of practice tests toget comfortable with its question formats and time limits. That’swhere Wiley AP English Literature & Composition comesin.
This user-friendly and completely reliable guide helps you getthe most ou...
Score your highest on exam day
Relax. The fact that you’re even considering taking the APEnglish Literature & Composition exam means you’re smart, hard-working, and ambitious. All you need is to get up to speed onthe exam’s topics and themes and take a couple of practice tests toget comfortable with its question formats and time limits. That’swhere Wiley AP English Literature & Composition comesin.
This user-friendly and completely reliable guide helps you getthe most out of any AP English class and reviews all of the topicsemphasized on the test. It also provides two full-length practiceexams, complete with detailed answer explanations and scoringguides. This powerful prep guide helps you practice and perfect allof the skills you need to get your best possible score. And, as aspecial bonus, you’ll also get a handy primer to help you preparefor the test-taking experience.
* A detailed overview of the test
* Subject reviews covering all test topics
* Practice questions
* Sample free-response questions with advice for craftingcritical essays
* Strategies and solid test-taking advice
* Two full-length practice tests with detailed explanations andwalk-throughs
Supplemented with handy lists of test-taking tips and more, Wiley AP English Literature & Composition helps you make examday a very good day, indeed.