Autor: Gerard Robinson

Nat Malkus is a research fellow in education policy studies at AEI. His work has appeared in publications including the Elementary School Journal, ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education, and Theory and Research in Social Education, as well as popular outlets such as US News & World Report. Adam Peshek is director of educational choice at the Foundation for Excellence in Education, where he provides strategic support to state leaders interested in developing, adopting, and implementing policies that increase educational options for students. Since 2014, Mr. Peshek has focused on ESAs and has worked in each state with an ESA program from policy formation through implementation. Gerard Robinson is a resident fellow in education policy studies at AEI. He previously served as Florida’s commissioner of education, as the secretary of education in Virginia, and as president of the Black Alliance for Educational Options.

4 Ebooks de Gerard Robinson

Nat Malkus & Adam Peshek: Education Savings Accounts
School choice has been central to American education policy debate for a quarter-century. But throughout, school choice has been just thatschool choice. In a potentially profound development, Educati …
Gerard Robinson & Elizabeth English Smith: Education for Liberation
Almost 650, 000 men and women, approximately the size of the city of Memphis, TN, return home from prison every year. Oftentimes with some pocket change and a bus ticket, they reenter society and str …
Lillian K. Moore & Gerard Robinson: Adapting to Climate Change
As concentrations of greenhouse gases and heat-trapping particles increase in the atmosphere, it is becoming ever more urgent to understand and prepare for the resulting changes in climate. These cha …
Camila M Hernandez: Cataracts
A cataract is a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope, varying in degree from slighto complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light. This book reviews r …