This book contains a model of the spiritual path with two foundations: the use of ayahuasca for the effect of mental concentration and for self-knowledge as a spiritual improvement process, reaching purification by knowledge of oneself and the faithful practice of good. There is basic information about ayahuasca and its properties and benefits as well as on the sacred plants used in its preparation. As an illustration, a few reports of extraordinary experiences lived as a result of the communion of ayahuasca as well as stories told by supporters are also included.
The use of ayahuasca propagated here is the entheogenic use (i. e., for the purpose of spiritual evolution, achieved by communion with the sacred), which includes beings belonging to higher planes of existence. Even God or the Supreme Being, how each one is able to imagine it, may be contacted. The subject of spirituality is treated, highlighting the common denominator of all religions, shared also by shamans and syncretic cults. The book describes the expanded state of consciousness achieved through communion of ayahuasca, which includes the enhancement of our intuitive side, allowing the perception of beings and energies that we do not normally have access to and that, on the other hand, strengthens the link between people of a group to give rise to paranormal phenomena, such as telepathy or clairvoyance. It shows the significance of spiritual healing and its reach by ayahuasca. We discuss the similarities of ayahuasca with drugs and establish the difference between them. The theme ayahuasca and health presents the necessary caution regarding interaction of ayahuasca with medicines or drugs and the risk to persons subject to psychotic outbreaks.
In conclusion, it suggests what may be seen in the crystal ball, the future of those who choose the path of ayahuasca.
Sobre el autor
The author of the book The Ayahuasca Path, Gerd Wolfgang Fonrobert, was born in Germany in 1947 but, since childhood, has lived in Brazil, currently in Sobradinho, satellite town of Brasilia, Distrito Federal. He has academic training in the field of exact sciences and has worked professionally with computers in the days when they were known as electronic brains and displayed in show windows. He did applied philosophical studies at the Academy of Dianetics and Scientology, Saint Hill in England, learning to apply therapeutic techniques of regression and mental and spiritual enhancement called auditing, being also the beneficiary of their application.
He met ayahuasca in 1977, joining the then Nucleus of União do Vegetal in Brasília, attending their spiritual meetings for a few years. After a period in which he opted not to commune the tea, he returned to do so from the year 2000 and, in 2003, founded with some friends the Centro Enteogênico La Flor (CELF), headquartered in Sobradinho, where ayahuasca is served to associates and visitors in an entheogenic context—that is, using the tea from the power plants that make up ayahuasca in a religious environment of spiritual elevation. This book is the first work in the genre of its author and builds on experience gained in CELF, including presentation of some texts used in spiritual sessions. Ayahuasca is presented in a universal and ecumenical context so that devotees of traditional religions and even nonbelievers or agnostics can receive the benefits of the entheogenic experience, provided they recognize ethical principles and values greater than themselves as individuals. The continuity of CELF as a spiritual center, aided by friends, associates, and colleagues, is currently one of the main activities of the author, who with this book also expects to better establish and articulate some of the ideas that guide the work of the center.