Bullying behavior has become so common that kids, parents, and teachers cannot afford to ignore it. Instead, they can talk about bullying behavior before it occurs or draw a roadmap of possible ways to respond when it does.
Bullied No More! is three stories in one, where we find best friends Emo and Chickie in a new adventure together with their friend, Bart the beaver, who is being bullied by Scruffy the wolf. Should Bart fight back? What should Emo and Chickie do? Should Bart’s parents and teachers get involved? And if so, how?
Emo and Chickie want children to know they are NOT ALONE when they are the target of bullying behavior. Most importantly, Emo and Chickie want children to know they have CHOICES for how to respond to bullying behavior—choices that can lead to a positive outcome for everyone.
Bullied No More! has been praised by experts in the fields of conflict resolution and bullying:
“Conflict resolution is an essential skill for young children to learn how to resolve their problems in a constructive way. Gregg Relyea and Josh Weiss’ tale Bullied No More! will help children learn ways to handle bullying. The book also will help parents engage with their children on this important issue. Highly recommended!”
—William Ury, co-author of Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
“Bullied No More! is a children’s book on bullying that goes beyond and invites children to examine the roles of the bully, the bullied, and not-so-innocent bystanders. It allows children to explore options for confronting the bullying with the intended and unintended consequences of each option. Children who are targeted can see how they can play a new role as a brave-hearted character, and how they need not do this alone. A powerfully written story that is a must read for parents, educators, and children.”
—Barbara Coloroso, author of the international bestseller,
The Bully, The Bullied, and The Not-So-Innocent Bystander
Also available from the authors:
To further help teach kids conflict resolution skills, search for the TROUBLE AT THE WATERING HOLE and its companion book Parent/Teacher Manual for TROUBLE AT THE WATERING HOLE and purchase both books together.
TROUBLE AT THE WATERING HOLE is also available as a coloring book. You can also find the children’s book translated in Hindi.
Sobre el autor
Joshua N. Weiss, Ph.D., is the Co-Founder of the Global Negotiation Initiative at Harvard Law School and a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Negotiation Project. Dr. Weiss is also the creator and Director of the Masters Degree in Leadership and Negotiation at Bay Path University.